cv formation diplome

The Education section of the CV or "Education" is particularly important in your CV, especially if you have little or no professional experience. So what should you put in the Education section and how should you organize it ? Should you go back to the BAC?

In this article you will discover:

  • How to organize the Education section of your CV?
  • How far back do you have to go in your qualifications?
  • How to integrate additional training?
  • 10 examples of presentation of the Training section

Organization and form of the Training section

training cv

The Education section of the CV can be written as "Education" in the singular or "Education" in the plural , when you have obtained many degrees or have followed different studies. Avoid calling it "Studies and diplomas", which gives your CV an overly academic note.

In the order of presentation, the training section should not give way to that of professional experience unless the latter is already rich and important. On the other hand, if you have just completed training whose objective is to take a new professional direction, you must, in this case, highlight this training before the experience section . See the illustration in the original free CV .

CV training

For each training, specify:

  • Dates: (example: September 2010 – July 2012)
  • The diploma and any distinction obtained
  • The establishment
  • The place

If the title of your diploma does not immediately mean something to everyone, you can specify, in a summary manner, the professional skills developed through this training (such as customer relationship management, prospecting, etc.) using terms that will be more meaningful. You can also provide information on the additional training you have received (first aid, BAFA, etc.).

Should you include non-degree training or professional training? As with professional experience, present your training in reverse chronological order , starting with the most recent.

Finally, for a more pleasant reading, you can add for each of your training courses the acronym of your school , if there is one. Discover for example one of our CV models which uses this process: the LOGO CV model .

training on a cv

🚀 To learn more, check out our article on how to make a designer CV , with other examples to illustrate best practices.

Should the Education section go back to the first diplomas?

cv diploma

Many candidates continue to include their first degrees and their baccalaureate honors in the Education section of their CV. We cannot blame them for wanting to highlight their academic qualities, but think first of the recruiter, who will do nothing about it.

Indeed, the company looking to hire the right candidate will seek to verify whether the academic qualifications correspond to the standards of the position as well as any specialties required.

There is therefore no need to detail your course year by year, it would be too tedious for the recruiter. Furthermore, depending on your level of training, do not be too exhaustive !

🛑 Pro tip

It is not necessary to mention your baccalaureate if you have obtained a diploma of BAC+5 level or higher. In the same way, it is useless to specify that you have obtained your brevet des collèges.

If you have completed work-study or continuing education, present this training as your professional experience. Only specify the type of contract concerned. Similarly, your internships are an integral part of your training but must be valued as professional experience. Value them as such.

If you are a student or do not have much professional experience , it may be natural to think about listing more of your training on your CV to compensate. Instead, think about highlighting your skills, they will have much more impact on your Curriculum Vitae.

How to integrate additional training?

e-learning training cv

There are so many different types of additional training that it can be difficult to include them in a CV. Should you choose the general category of "training", which is more related to your academic background? Should you opt for the skills block or create a new, more appropriate section?

Depending on the type of training, the location changes. Start by making a list of the internships and additional training that you have had the opportunity to follow and sort them out.

To avoid the “catch-all” effect, it is essential to select training courses that are of real interest to your recruiter!

Try to put yourself in his shoes. What are the most relevant training courses, those that best match your job search? What does he want to find in your CV?

Some rules to remember:

  • Forget the “Miscellaneous” section, which is rarely consulted by recruiters and does not highlight your strengths.
  • Identify the learning, skills and practical applications of your training.
  • Always indicate the name of your training organization, as this information will be verified and will need to be justified.

E-Learning & other training

E-learning courses are practical because they can be followed online. Because they exist for all fields (health, linguistics, communication, finance, etc.), they can become real assets for your application. But once again, it depends on the sector in which you are applying and the relevance of these courses.

Most of the time, the best way to integrate them into your CV is to turn them into skills. After all, they have allowed you to acquire real know-how and it is wise to highlight it!

If you have several interesting training courses, consider creating a dedicated skills block. For example: “Mastery of IT tools” in which you integrate: Linux, Wordpress, Prestashop, Photoshop, etc.

Some training can be taken in the professional environment, it is then appropriate to integrate them directly into your experiences. Were you trained in sales techniques for a particular product during your last job? Indicate it in a bullet point list in your job description. It will be more important than in a new category on your CV!

Qualifying or rare training, such as training in sign language, should be highlighted. Feel free to add a short sentence in which you explain why this training was decisive and what it brought you.

Some "classic" training, such as the use of basic computer tools (Excel, Word, etc.) are less important. They are obvious to the recruiter and it is better not to include them in important parts of your CV. However, you can add them at the end of the document, simply specifying that you are proficient in these software programs.

Continuing education

Not all of the training courses in your school curriculum necessarily need to be mentioned. The Brevet des collèges, for example, is of no real interest, especially if you have obtained other more important diplomas subsequently, such as the Baccalaureate.

Focus on the degrees that make sense, depending on the position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a position in sales and you have several degrees, include your business degree, but forget about the CAP in early childhood, which will not be relevant.

In addition to providing clearer and more effective information to your recruiter, sorting your information will also allow you to save space on your CV. By only offering two or three relevant training courses, you give yourself the opportunity to detail them to highlight them.

You have followed a continuing education course, but you have not obtained the diploma? Don't panic, you can include it in your CV by remaining honest. In this case, simply write "Level BAC S" rather than "Graduate of BAC S".

10 CV examples presenting your training

Need some help? Take a look at our 10 best examples of special training CVs that will highlight your strengths and set you apart from other candidates.

Training courses in timeline

CV for training

Our Action CV template is ideal for your profile since it highlights your training by drawing the recruiter's eye to this important section of your application.

Placed in the center of the document, the block is brought by an evocative pictogram. The training courses are indicated in columns, defined by colored points that are repeated on a timeline. The essential information is integrated: name of the training course, name of the school, location of the training course and short description.

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Linear layout of training courses

continuing education cv

In this example of a synthetic CV, the education is indicated in the main section of the document. It joins the skills to get straight to the point and convince your recruiter at a glance!

Professional skills are highlighted by progress bars and training courses are added in chronological order, using a vertical timeline. A short description allows you to add the specialties of each training course, your diplomas and your options.

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Diplomas and training in three styles

cv diploma section

In our female CV template, a block is reserved for diplomas and training that relate to your academic background.

We find the date of the training, highlighted by a touch of color, then its name and finally the name of the center or school. Additional training can be added in the professional experiences which leave plenty of room for additional information. A block is provided for computer skills and other technical training.

📥 Download our Female CV template

A sober and elegant Training section

cv training section

The First CV template is one of our first CVs. Appreciated for its sobriety and professionalism, it is particularly suitable for your profile since it highlights your training in a dedicated column.

Just below are the skills, an ideal section for your additional training. Finally, the “Experience” section leaves room for descriptions to add a more professional framework to the training followed.

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The Chronological CV

training section cv

With our chronological CV template, you send a logical and organized image to your recruiter. Professional experiences can be described and include training that took place as part of your job. The "training" section allows you to specify your learning. A block is provided for certifications and skills, with the possibility of detail.

📥 Download our Chronological CV template

A very comprehensive training section

blank cv training

In addition to a clean design and well-thought-out ergonomics, the blank CV template offers a nice showcase of your skills. And your mastery of certain tools (computer software for example) is not left out.

The focus is on your know-how, essential to stand out with your training! In a separate column, we find all of your training with short descriptions to detail them.

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The CV when you have few or no qualifications

CV additional training

Our job CV template focuses on the candidate's strengths and added value. Skills are highlighted by pictograms and can be detailed. Professional experience leaves room for descriptions. A "Training" section allows you to include your diplomas and additional training. Finally, a major new feature is a block dedicated to successes!

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The training and skills duo

CV training advice

In the Déco CV template, the part concerning training is highlighted by a tab and by a cloud of keywords of your “soft skills”, integrated into colored bubbles.

The main information to reassure the recruiter is included: the name of the school in color, the date and location of the training, the name of the latter or the diploma, a description. Key skills can be added at the end of the document, supported by level bars.

📥 Download our Deco CV template

The design CV template

paid cv training

This well-structured CV example is suitable for profiles who wish to highlight their training or integrate it effectively.

In the first part, we discover the candidate's skills in great detail. A block is reserved for technical skills and tool mastery, supported by level bars. Training is added in a separate section of the document, in a timeline.

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The Timeline Resume Template

CV training without diploma

To best showcase your training, we recommend the Timeline CV template which offers a detailed and eye-catching overview of your career.

The document focuses on a timeline in which points are integrated for your professional experiences and your training. Each of these pieces of information is detailed by: a date, the title and location of the position or training followed, a short description and pictograms.

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