exemple cv secrétaire

Did you know that a good layout, relevant and orderly content can make all the difference for your secretary CV ? There are many job offers in the administrative sector... and so are the candidates! To stand out, there's nothing better than a personalized CV, rich in technical skills and human qualities.

The secretary resume templates offered in this article are here to support you in your job search. We also provide you with advice on how to enhance your application.

In this article you will discover:

  • Examples of secretary CVs to download
  • How to Write a Professional Secretary Resume
  • Our tips for creating a top-notch secretary CV

Discover our examples of secretary CVs to download

For a first experience as a secretary or for an administrative position, we offer several customizable CV models according to your sector of activity. Each layout is unique. All our examples of secretary CVs have the same purpose: to make you stand out from the crowd!

A beginner secretary CV

beginner secretary cv

This secretary resume template is one of our most popular resume examples. Indeed, its sober layout and creative design are very popular. We also like its soft colors that balance well with the illustrations.

Before getting straight to your sections, an introductory paragraph allows you to promote your profile, ideal for standing out from the crowd despite limited professional experience.

📥 Download this beginner secretary CV

A very popular secretary resume

secretary cv

In yellow, blue or cyan, the sections of this secretary CV template are all equally well valued. With original typography and an elegant cartouche, it is your whole person that stands out from the crowd.

A distinct column highlights your skills as a secretary . You can assert your qualities and expertise thanks to a relevant graphic charter.

Take inspiration from the qualities and skills offered by this template to create a perfect secretary resume.

📥 Download the secretary CV template

The perfect executive secretary CV

executive secretary cv

This executive secretary CV is both simple and elegant. It offers perfect readability to your entire professional career.

Each section is well-organized and airy to better highlight its content. Under the job title, you can highlight your personal qualities. They are supported by well-detailed professional experiences.

By emphasizing your practice and skills, you can use this template to assert your expertise within a public or private establishment.

📥 Download the Executive Secretary CV template

An effective versatile secretary CV

CV of a versatile secretary

Design and color are the strong points of this resume for a versatile administrative secretary . In this resume without a photo, the different shades are there to draw the recruiter's attention to what really matters: the content.

With many skills and successful professional experiences in administration, this model is ideal to accompany all your cover letters.

📥 Download the versatile secretary CV template

A very complete administrative secretary CV

administrative secretary cv

The double-column layout of this administrative secretary CV allows for better readability of the content. With this well-compartmentalized structure, you can highlight your technical qualities and your multiple professional experiences without going outside the box.

The recruiter will appreciate the many details provided in your application. Affirm your skills from the first paragraph.

With this model, you will be able to apply for more important positions in the administrative sector!

📥 Download the administrative secretary CV template

A very creative commercial secretary CV

commercial secretary cv

Present yourself in the best light with the creative design of this Commercial Secretary Resume . The modern colored background of the resume makes your profile stand out at first glance!

By assessing your technical qualities with an original graphic charter, you affirm your expertise for the targeted position. This example does not exclude any skill, not even your language skills! Do not hesitate to indicate your TOEIC score.

This model is to be favored if you wish to join a prestigious company focused on international trade.

📥 Download the commercial secretary CV template

A beautiful CV for an executive assistant

executive assistant resume

The very design header of this example of an executive assistant CV is striking. The photo and the triangular cut-out are unique and make this template very modern.

A timeline details the most important moments of your professional career to gain readability. The rendering is clear, clean and very effective.

The special care taken in this application illustrates your professionalism. This template is a good tool to help you stand out from other candidates.

📥 Download the Executive Assistant CV template

A distinguished administrative assistant resume

administrative assistant cv

This CV is dedicated to experienced administrative assistants . Its content is rich in professional experiences and perfectly ordered to highlight long career paths.

Both classic and modern, its sections will allow you to highlight your complementary experiences and introduce your profile with a catchy sentence. Ideal for atypical career paths. Do not hesitate to use this template if you wish to specialize in a particular field as a medical secretary or legal assistant.

📥 Download the administrative assistant CV template

🚀 Are you still hesitating in choosing the model?

Find here our entire collection of CVs adapted to secretarial and administrative professions .

How to write a professional secretary CV?

secretary skill

In a private or public establishment, a professional secretary must have many skills to ensure good administrative management.

Managing mail, preparing invoices, writing reports while responding to external requests... Secretarial jobs require a great sense of organization and good communication. These two qualities should be highlighted on your CV.

Your professional experience and skills should illustrate your area of ​​expertise. Requirements are not the same for all positions.

  • A secretary can work in all types of establishments: public administration, medical practice, law firm, etc. You must therefore focus on specific skills such as transcribing legal documents, medical assistance, and managing the schedules of senior officials.
  • An executive assistant has important responsibilities. In addition to managing her department's schedule, she must also manage internal company files and ensure the proper transmission of information. For this position, you must complement your technical skills with impeccable human qualities.

In your administrative assistant or secretary resume, you need to highlight your versatility.

Let’s see how to translate this versatility through detailed and impactful content!

💡 Good to know

Save long hours of work with a professional resume template ready to fill in within minutes. Many Assistant resumes are available to save you time.

Writing the right hook sentence for your secretary CV

Everything a recruiter needs to know is in the hook sentence. This step is essential to ensure your resume effectively accompanies your cover letter.

If you have worked in administration for a few years, first indicate your years of expertise and highlight the most important missions of your career. Candidates without experience can highlight their years of training or their career intentions.

Then, indicate three major qualities essential for a job in administration: organizational skills, rigor, autonomy, etc. They must be accompanied by a brief overview of your technical skills.

If you are bilingual, indicate this in the header of your CV. This is a quality to highlight if you are applying for a position as a commercial secretary or in an establishment with links to a foreign public.

Here's a hook sentence to help you write your introduction:

Administrative assistant for 1 year in the Human Resources department of the Issy City Hall, I manage the reception of the public and incoming and outgoing calls in complete autonomy. Rigorous, responsive and diligent, the department particularly appreciates my work in the organization of internal events. Today, I wish to continue my career by specializing in medical secretarial work.

Essential professional experiences for a secretary CV

secretarial skills

A secretary is distinguished by very varied missions and tasks, accomplished with rigor and speed. You must illustrate this in this section with a sufficiently airy block.

The recruiter must be able to quickly identify the key administrative missions:

  • Welcoming an audience
  • Managing phone calls
  • Process mail
  • Prepare pay slips
  • Write meeting minutes
  • Manage one or more calendars
  • Manage the purchase of supplies and overheads
  • Organize meetings
  • Invoice management and processing
  • Communicate important information internally

🛑 Pro tip

At the top of the list, talk about your latest experience. This may be obvious, but if your last assignment was only a few months ago, chances are you haven't lost your touch! A company will prefer a secretary who is quickly operational.

An executive assistant or legal secretary can support their tasks by citing quantifiable examples. Using bullet points, also add some technical details under each of your tasks. For example:

Executive Assistant, Auchan, (Cormontreuil, 2020)

  • Weekly Management Meeting Planning
  • Coordination of a team of 3 secretaries in writing reports
  • Invitation of the 5 main partners of the brand for the monthly meetings

Legal Assistant, Malcolm Law Firm, 2020

Monitoring of legal files

  • Prioritize and classify documents
  • Knowledge of administrative procedures

Transcription of official documents

  • Note taking
  • Mastering formatting in Word
  • Proficiency in written French

If you are about to apply for your first job offer, you should fill out this section with some tasks common to the secretary profession. Don't hesitate to highlight your practice during your schooling or your first summer job.

Professional training to highlight on your secretary CV

A versatile secretary can start her career in a company as soon as she obtains her baccalaureate. However, more and more Directors are asking for qualifying training for this job. In addition, competition is tough. Recruiters are used to seeing CVs with a well-stocked “Training” section.

Indicating that you have obtained your professional baccalaureate in organizational management or a baccalaureate in STMG is no longer enough. As a priority, put in this section:

  • BTS SME management
  • BTS communication
  • BTS Assistant Manager (AM)
  • BUT administrative and commercial management of administrations
  • Professional license specializing in administration and local authority professions

If you are applying for an administrative position in local authorities, you will need to highlight your success in a civil service competition.

Essential skills and qualities for the job of secretary

secretary skills

Your CV should illustrate your great versatility. Don't hesitate to bulk up your application with a long list of technical skills. However, be sure to respect a certain order!

Whether you are a versatile, specialized secretary or administrative assistant, mastered office tools and accounting software should appear at the top of the list. Then highlight the hard skills suited to the position sought:

  • Word : essential for word processing and layout
  • Excel : management of numerical data and presentation of information
  • Outlook : email management, address books and scheduling
  • Trello : collaborative work tool often used by an executive assistant
  • Administrative management
  • Classification and archiving methodology
  • Note-taking and scanning techniques
  • Mastery of spelling and grammar
  • Public reception

More and more companies are also using collaboration and sharing tools. Feel free to test your knowledge of Doodle, Notion or Dropbox.

Now, complement your skills with human qualities that are highly valued in the administrative sector. For example:

  • Adaptability
  • Stress management
  • Impeccable sense of welcome
  • Great ease in speaking
  • Sense of confidentiality
  • Organizational skills
  • Empathy
  • Sense of priorities
  • Anticipation

We recommend that you proofread the content of your application several times before sending it. Mastery of spelling and grammar is imperative for a secretary position. The slightest mistake can make you miss an opportunity to be seen in a job interview.

Interests that are valuable for a secretary job

Talking about your passions is a good way to humanize your role. It’s also the place on your resume where you can express your personality. No matter what your hobby is, the important thing is that it adds value to your application. For example:

  • Interpersonal skills : theater, playing a musical instrument
  • Patience : participation in cooking and gardening workshops
  • Dynamism : running, hiking, team sports
  • Stress management : sophrology, yoga, combat sports

5 tips for creating a top-notch secretary CV

a secretary

  1. Catchphrase : prioritize your human qualities. Emphasize your versatility and autonomy. You can highlight your mastery of office tools. Don't hesitate to describe your professional prospects.
  2. Experience : Detail each of your functions with missions that highlight your sense of responsibility. This category should illustrate above all your autonomy and your great sense of organization.
  3. Skills : mastery of office tools and management software are to be prioritized. Your technical skills are to be combined with excellent human qualities such as rigor or responsiveness.
  4. Interests : Give your role a human touch. Focus mainly on sports or cultural activities.
  5. Use a creative template : Give your application personality with a layout that is easy to read and has been tested by recruiters. This will give you a better chance of standing out from other candidates.

We hope that these tips will help you in creating your secretary CV. Take the time to detail each section. With a good cover letter and patience, you will be able to create very good applications!

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