cv anglais

The CV in English is essential if you are looking for an international job or if you dream of working in an English-speaking country. But be careful, the CV in English is completely different from the CV in French. To help you take the first step towards the completion of your project, follow all our advice to prepare your Curriculum Vitae .

If you do not feel confident enough to write your CV in English , you can always ask for assistance from a recruitment professional on our site.

CV in English: a simple translation of the CV into French?

make a cv in english

When you start writing your CV in English , the biggest mistake is to think that it is simply a copy/paste to make your CV in French. Nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, follow the advice that follows...

The best thing is to start from a blank sheet of paper. Indeed, this will allow you to avoid translation errors that are a bit “word for word” or even forgetting certain elements to translate. Also, a CV translated “text” is seen quite quickly by the eyes of a native English person. The structure of the sentences and the argumentation are not the same. So a good way to highlight your language level is to take your CV completely, with the usual language.

Your English must be impeccable. Be particularly careful of false friends, which are very common in the CVs of non-English speaking candidates. For example, "abilities" or "degree". It is also important to check several times that you have not mixed up British English with American English.

You have already created your CV and you are already tired of the idea of ​​re-adapting everything in English? Don't worry, it is actually very simple. In addition, you risk losing a lot of time trying to re-adapt the elements of your original CV while the codes (layout, mandatory and optional elements) are not the same.

For example, it is common for an English CV to exceed one page (2 pages maximum). This allows in particular to air out the layout.

💡 Good to know

Also discover our selection of CVs in French and CV in Spanish . Over 300 fillable resume templates are available to save you time. Creating the perfect resume has never been easier!

How to make a resume in English step by step

how to make a cv in english

While it doesn't translate word for word, the English CV is also not presented in the same way. In order to show that you are capable of evolving in an international environment, opt for this order of headings...

CV header, civil status: “Personal Details”

In England, recruiters appreciate it when the header is very detailed . As in France, you must mention your first name, last name, address and telephone number (work and home). The CV photo is optional but recommended, especially for sales or marketing positions.

On the other hand, be careful with American regulations : avoid any mention of your nationality, age, gender and marital status if you are applying in the United States. Since the implementation of anti-discrimination measures, even photos are prohibited.

Professional Objective: “Professional Objective” (or “Career Planning” in American)

As with the French CV, this part serves as both an introduction and a summary of your profile. It should be useful for the recruiter who wants to understand your added value in a few seconds. Indicate your professional project as well as the position you wish to occupy.

Professional experience: “Work Experience”

It is well known that the Anglo-Saxons are much more focused on practice than theory, so this is the most important section of the CV in English . This part of the Curriculum Vitae must therefore be positioned before the one on diplomas.

As with the French CV, it is a question of distinguishing training periods (training period or internship) from other professional experiences that you will present, starting with the last position held.

When describing your experiences, be thorough by preferring writing to using hyphens. Also be precise in the dates (month/year). Detail your results (achievements), your added value, your performances (KPI) and the objectives achieved (target reached).

Your CV must show a business interest for the company. In short, something concrete! “Please cut the bullshit” as the English would say…

Before you start writing about your professional experiences, keep in mind that there is a good chance that the recruiter does not know the companies you have worked for. So specify their activity. Also explain any unexplained gaps by clearly giving the reasons for the change in situation.

Initial training: “Education”

In this section, only mention diplomas obtained after the baccalaureate, in reverse chronological order. Ideally, reduce to the most significant to detail the courses followed: majors, options, subjects, results obtained. If possible, give additional information on the schools attended (e.g.: ESSEC, Top French business school).

In an American CV, you can also mention the jobs that helped finance your university studies; American recruiters are sensitive to this.

Be careful to use the correct diploma equivalence:

  • Doctorate: Ph.D.
  • Master's Degree: Master's Degree.
  • Bachelor's Degree.
  • DEUG in philosophy: Two-year university degree in philosophy.
  • BTS: two-year technical degree.
  • Grande École: Top school.
  • Business school: Business school.
  • Engineering school: Engineering school.
  • Prépa: two-year intensive program preparing for the national competitive exam for entry to business/engineering schools.

Continuing education: “Training” or “Courses”

You can highlight your professional training via a dedicated section. This is in fact the training followed as part of your professional activity. Only report the most significant in duration.

Specific skills: “Special Skills”

As with the French Curriculum Vitae, this is the section where your IT skills, the software you are proficient in, and foreign languages ​​will appear. Don't say too much either, to avoid redundancies. with the other sections. If you feel redundancies with certain elements already present in the “Work experience” section, prioritize this last section.

For foreign languages, indicate your level of proficiency as follows:

  • Bilingual French/English
  • Fluent English
  • Working knowledge of Italian
  • Basic or Conversational Spanish

Be careful not to be too ambitious about your language level. For example, "bilingual English" implies speaking the language almost like a native. If this is not the case, indicate that your level is fluent. You can also specify the stays you have spent abroad. This will show your interest in the country concerned and make a good topic of discussion during the interview.

Miscellaneous & Interests: “Miscellaneous” or “Hobbies”

Less and less anecdotal with French recruiters, this section is highly valued in the United States. The interests section must be taken care of in the same way as the others by indicating your sports, associative, volunteer activities, your driving license, etc. It must remain “serious”, that is to say focused on values ​​or qualities that will enhance your professional activity.

References: “References”

This is the most specific feature of the English CV . For recruiters across the Channel, it is advisable to note 2-3 professional contacts who can recommend you. Unlike in the United States, where it is enough to indicate that references are available upon request, using the formula: "References available upon request."

If you wish to mention any, please indicate the First Name, Last Name, position in the company as well as their telephone and email contacts.

English CV templates and examples

To help you create your CV in English , here are some examples of CVs that can give you a more precise idea of ​​the result. This will give you a good summary of the elements previously mentioned.

A professional and dynamic CV template

example of cv in english

This highly professional CV template takes the structure of the traditional CV and optimises it for your application in English. The large, airy header highlights your name and the title of the position you are applying for. A photograph, which takes up little space, can be integrated for the French version and removed for recruiters from across the Channel.

The Summery block gives you room to discuss your professional project and produce a descriptive summary of your profile. The main section concerns your professional experiences, with the possibility of developing them in detail. Diplomas can be added in the left column which also includes contact details and the level of languages ​​spoken.

📥 Download the dynamic CV template

A formal resume template

english cv template

In this CV example, the recruiter can easily and immediately find all the information he needs. A sober touch of originality is brought by the colors and desaturated graphic elements, in the background of the CV. The header includes the contact details of the candidate, his name, the title of the desired position and a few lines for a relevant catchphrase.

The focus is on the candidate's "skills" thanks to a block that allows the addition of skills in the form of tags. The left column gives an overview of the professional experience in detail, before the diplomas obtained. Additional blocks allow the addition of your awards or your language level.

📥 Download Formal Resume Template

Our clear and effective CV template

English CV (example)

Clear and effective, this CV template almost recalls the appearance of a web page. The colorful and contrasting header allows you to highlight your description and your professional objectives. The photograph takes up little space and the contact details are introduced by icons.

The structure of the CV is professional, it offers a column of experiences to detail and interests. The second column highlights your “soft skills” in the form of keywords and your more technical skills. A block is reserved for diplomas, your professional training and your language level.

📥 Download the effective CV template

A designer CV template

english cv (template)

Very stylish, this resume will definitely impress your recruiter. Thanks to an airy, sober, professional and very clear structure, it highlights your seriousness and the skills that you can bring to the company.

As recommended in writing an English CV, the focus is on the header and description of your application. Experiences are placed before diplomas and your "skills" are well defined in the left column. Progress bars allow you to customize your level of expertise for each of the selected skills.

📥 Download the designer CV template

Our simple English CV template

example of cv in english

This latest example of a CV in English is suitable for all profiles, from the young novice candidate to the more experienced job seeker. Its sober and professional layout is enhanced by colorful titles, for more effective reading.

Without a photograph and without discriminatory information such as the candidate's age or gender, the focus is on your name and on an "about me" section that allows you to discuss your professional project. The main section of the resume highlights your professional experiences, starting with the last position held and leaving you room to detail your missions.

📥 Download the simple CV template

Have your CV translated into English: online services

cv translation into english

You don't feel comfortable writing your CV in English? Don't panic, it is possible to have your CV translated on specialized sites, by professional and qualified translators.

Pro Translate

This CV translation service is able to translate your application into any language, including English. Its team is made up of experts in linguistics and communication. Simply upload your CV to the platform to get an estimate of the delivery time and price. The translations are subject to a multi-stage review and editing process to ensure quality.


The translation service "Translated" takes care of your CV, but also your cover letters or your professional certificates. You are not satisfied? A complete and free revision is offered. Payment is made after delivery, which is carried out as soon as possible. A quote is possible online.


CVFirst is an online CV translation service composed of a team of translators working in their native language. A translation into English, American or Australian is possible. The price is from €85 to €225 depending on the number of pages of your CV.

Have your CV translated by CV Market (prices)

CV translation rate

With CV Market, having your CV translated is now possible to submit an international application reviewed and corrected by a professional translator who is a native speaker of the language. Since 2022, we have made our team available to offer a 100% personalized translation service in 5 languages .

Different formulas are offered:

  • PREMIUM package (€99) : complete translation of your CV + cover letter by a professional translator, native speaker of the language.
  • CV TRANSLATION package (€59) : complete translation of your CV by a professional translator, a native speaker of the language.
  • PROOFREADING Formula (€39) : Proofreading and correction of your CV by a professional English-language translator.

Boost your application abroad with a CV in English and find all our advice on CV Market.

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