comment faire un bon cv

How to make a good CV in 2023? But before that, what is a good CV? Making a good CV is not easy, it must give the best possible impression of your profile.

Format, writing rules, models, design… there are many factors to take into account. And a good CV for applying to a bank is not the same as for the craft or communication sector.

In this article you will understand the difference between good and bad CVs , with examples of good CVs to download . You will discover all our advice to increase your chances of being selected:

  • The 10 golden rules for making a good CV in 2023
  • 15 examples of good CVs to download now

The 10 golden rules for making a good CV

tips for writing a good resume

Work on the layout and presentation of the CV

To create a good CV, it is very important to take the time to work on the layout of your CV. You can be original, but not too original either. There is no standard presentation.

The presentation must be adapted to the company to which the CV will be sent (is it a large group, or on the contrary a start-up?), but also to the position you are interested in (is it a position in the field of accounting, marketing, etc.?). The presentation must be clear, simple and airy. To do this, you can, for example, play on the line spacing.

For the text, choose a classic font (such as Arial, Verdana or Calibri) that is pleasant to read and a standard size (10 to 12 maximum). Some terms can be put in bold to highlight certain information, such as the name of a company or a function. Also, avoid tabulation errors.

example of a good cv

Each of the three parts ( professional experience , training ,interests ) must be easily identifiable , for example by putting the title in bold and/or capital letters. Ideally, your CV should fit on a single A4 page.

Also, if you have a lot of professional experience, don't insist on including absolutely all of it in your CV. Instead, think about which ones you want to highlight, in relation to the position you are applying for, and which will be more rewarding. You can also focus on your most recent experiences.

The goal is not to list all of your experiences and skills as accurately as possible. The goal is to make a selection and present only the most relevant ones.

💡 Good to know

Save long hours of work with a professional resume template ready to fill in minutes. Discover our selection of professional resume templates , ready to fill in minutes.

Take care of design and writing

The design of your CV should remain soft and highlight the elements it contains. For example, you can place the header of your CV in a box, use bullet points for each experience or training, or separate each section with a horizontal line. Everything should remain subtle and fluid.

Adding a bit of color, for example for boxes, can be a good idea. But be careful not to overdo it and to stay consistent with the position you are applying for. For example, avoid pink when applying to a bank.

how to write a good resume

Handwriting should be avoided as much as possible. Writing it on the computer ensures that the CV will be clearer and more readable for the recruiter, who may not take the time to look at a handwritten CV.

If your CV is to be sent by email or sent online directly to the company website, send it preferably in PDF format , and name it with your first name followed by your last name.

Maintain conventional benchmarks

A good CV should be one page long, not two : your header and personal presentation (10%), your professional experiences first (60%), then certifications and training (20%), and finally hobbies (10%).

It is not for nothing that all CVs follow the same structure: recruiters expect to find their reading keys to facilitate their scanning of your profile. So do not upset this skeleton too much, at the risk of creating the first irritations and impatience of your reader.

good cv 2019

Also avoid optional graphic effects such as a cloud of keywords, ratings or gauges for the level of language or seniority on a tool. Describe it with the necessary conventions: Fluent, Bilingual, Read/Written/Spoken, Beginner. Don't confuse the issue, you will be found out!

Classic architecture does not mean that you should not add elements to twist your CV. For example, by adding logos (if you have worked for large companies) or subtle graphic elements (pictograms, colors, etc.).

Provide reading keys

A good CV must be structured, clear and neat, and above all without any spelling mistakes! If necessary, have your CV proofread by a friend. The mistakes that are most often encountered by recruiters are typos, missing letters, but also agreements for the plural and on the feminization of adjectives (for women).

At first glance, the recruiter's goal is to check whether your profile matches the one sought and the requirements required by the company. An empty, poorly structured CV , or one that requires too much reading to understand the candidate's profile, all of this can bring bad points.

Another way to make an original CV is to include a mini-summary at the top of your CV . This is a short paragraph, 2 to 3 sentences, that summarizes your profile, your main skills, your experience and your motivation.

how to build a good resume

You can also add a references section, in which you mention the contact details (email and telephone numbers) of referees, provided that these people have given you their consent.

🚀 If you need help, feel free to take inspiration from our modern resume templates .

Stay concise “Less is more”

There is no need to show off all your professional experiences and skills . A good CV should be precise and positive , and should show the recruiter how your profile matches the position you are applying for. Do not mention unnecessary information, such as a poor level of English.

With this in mind, favor the telegraphic style and prohibit the use of personal pronouns. Prefer short sentences. Your CV must remain as simple as possible and be pleasant to read. If you have had experience in different fields and functions during your professional life, then favor experiences related to the position you are aiming for, for the sake of consistency.

Don't do things halfway

Don't skimp on any aspect of a resume , whether it's your interests because they're less important or an unsuitable photo because you don't have the means or time to take a more recent one. Also pay particular attention to the vocabulary used, which must be adapted to your interlocutor.

More and more applications are processed by CV management software: without the right keywords, your application will have less chance of being highlighted and retained. It is also preferable to include action verbs in your CV, which correspond to know-how : for example, prefer "negotiate" to "participate in a negotiation", which will reassure the recruiter about your skills.

Become a real robot on layout

Form reflects substance. Whatever job you are applying for, it will require rigor and discipline. And these qualities show on a good CV.

Many candidates simply do not realize that their CV is the reflection of a gigantic draft: clutter, overload, lack of layout or highlighted elements, numerous inconsistencies in alignments and spaces, lack of ventilation, inconsistent indentations, etc.

professional cv

Be a real machine on this point! Create a charter for yourself: the different elements (summary, titles, subtitles, description, period, contract, etc.) will have to be treated differently. Work as if on a grid. The objective of this exercise is to clarify the information architecture: well-organized by sizes, spaces, colors, common shapes according to the level and importance of the information.

How to succeed with your CV

Once done, your CV should give a feeling of clarity and simplicity. For example, forget endless lists of your missions, use bullet points!

Don't improvise being creative!

Forget the “repressed creative” CV or the stylistic effects (flat tints, background, shading, transparency). Often outdated, these effects put you in danger.

Recruiters form an opinion of a person based on their graphic choices. You are not immune to the possibility that your reader will find it ugly ("tastes and colors..."), that you simply have no aesthetic sense or that the computer or printer simply does not provide the expected rendering. In short, you are taking an unnecessary risk.

The aesthetic aspect can be brought with the choice of an original typography used sparingly (on titles for example). This will remain easily readable, or with colors but relatively neutral (eg: black, blue). Putting color in your CV is a plus (80% of recruiters think so), but keep it discreet! And always check the black and white printing at the end.

a good free cv

🚀 Discover our selection of original CVs , simple CVs or designer CVs and get inspired by our high-quality CV models.

Don't take the risk of lying

Recruiters will be contacting companies you have previously worked for, so lying about this is not a good idea. Cheating is a risk that the recruiter will lose all trust.

Likewise, don't lie about your skills or qualifications. The recruiter will quickly notice this during the interview. And if not, chances are the company will quickly notice.

Lying about your degree or professional experience can definitely justify dismissal. Especially if these elements are decisive in recruitment. And it is all the easier during the trial period.

In addition, new procedures for authenticating diplomas are emerging. They make it possible to update falsified diplomas and certifications.

Examples of good CVs to download

To apply our advice, discover our best examples of good CVs to download. All these models are in Word (.docx), Powerpoint (.pptx) format and compatible with Google slides. And if the colors do not suit you, other colors are to be discovered, or to be personalized according to your tastes!

The blank CV template to fill in

a good resume to fill out

Our blank resume template offers a clean design and clear layout. Its easy reading and well-organized sections can convince your recruiter by giving him a clearer overview of your best assets.

📥 Download Blank Resume Template

A recent and striking CV

good cv 2021

This recent CV template is perfect for candidates who are starting their career. Indeed, a nice place is left for your skills, languages, your personality and your training. Professional experiences are very little present. Its modern design available in 3 colors will offer you great applications!

📥 Download this recent CV example

A very successful elegant CV

example of a good cv

This excellent CV template stands out thanks to its icons, its neat finishes and the little touch of color added to the titles and pictograms. Refined and modern, it gives a quick, but above all effective overview of your skills and experiences.

📥 Download the elegant CV template

Make a good CV with this formal template

make a good resume

Do you like more formal CV templates? This CV takes the codes of the classic CV and integrates them into a hierarchical, professional and clear structure. A touch of light originality is brought in the pictograms and the colored titles.

📥 Download Formal Resume Template

The example of a student CV

good cv 2020

This good CV template is suitable for student and young graduate profiles thanks to its modernity, dynamism and clear layout. The focus is on your project, your skills, your qualities, but above all your training.

📥 Download the student CV template

An aesthetic CV template

a good resume

Make your application stand out with this dynamic and aesthetically pleasing design CV template. Very neat, it gives relief to its different sections to highlight your skills and professional experience. Its graphic shapes catch the eye and give it a touch of originality that is much appreciated!

📥 Download the aesthetic CV template

An example of a good detailed CV

How to succeed with your CV

Simple and minimalist, this classic CV template will convince experienced candidates with many experiences. Its clear and light design makes it very easy to read. This CV example simplifies reading for recruiters, with a little bonus: a section dedicated to recommendations.

📥 Download the detailed CV template

A good CV for a student without experience

a good cv for a student without experience

If you really have no experience, your CV should not be structured in a classic way. The danger is to have a CV that appears empty or with many holes. In this example of a CV dedicated to students without experience, our designers were smart: all your assets are highlighted, even without experience, and the rendering remains very complete for a great application!

📥 Download this student CV with no experience

In conclusion, how to make a good CV? 90% of candidates only focus on themselves. Many skills, many lines of experience and a very personal design… Your main added value will be to focus on your reader above all! To go further, consult our ranking of the best CV models 2022 to download .

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