cv raté

A failed CV is often identified like this: "I sent more than 50 applications and I got no response!" If you recognize yourself in this sentence, you are certainly one of the many candidates who have failed their CV by making one of these 2 mistakes. Discover the most common causes of failure made by more than 90% of candidates and find out how to avoid writing a bad CV to make a difference.

#1 mistake of a failed CV: “My CV is not 100% coherent but I’ll try just in case…”

cv error

You had a little doubt about the consistency of your CV in relation to the proposed job offer but you told yourself that it was not a big deal. Despite a little doubt when sending it, you were full of hope. Since then, you have not heard anything.

First of all, make sure that the format for sending your CV by email complies with best practices. It would be a shame if this important detail had not been taken into account...

Recruiters cannot spend as much time as one would like to read each CV they receive. At first, readings are most often done "diagonally" to quickly identify the most relevant CVs. By relevant CV, we mean a profile and key skills corresponding to the position for which you are applying: do they match the requirements of the company and the job in question?

What is your professional goal? How does this job offer meet it? Does the offer match your profile? Do you have the necessary qualities for this job?

Before you jump at a job offer and send out a bad resume, take the time to step back and ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is your professional goal?
  • How does this job offer meet that?
  • Does the offer match your background (academic and/or professional)?
  • Do you have the necessary qualities for this job?

Bad Resume Mistake #2: “I chose a bad resume with an original design to grab attention”

bad resume

You haven't received any response to your previous applications. Or you've decided to put all the chances on your side by capturing attention with a CV that stands out in an obvious way. You were 100% right: recruiters looked at your CV. And unfortunately they didn't look at it in detail. Why?

Good to know. The layout and presentation of your CV should be easy to scan. The recruiter should be able to extract the information that interests him most in a few seconds . On average, a recruiter spends 6 seconds on a CV before deciding whether it is interesting or not. That's very short!

The recruiter must be able to find the information they are looking for in no time (your latest professional experience, your qualifications, your name, etc.). If they have to go through your entire CV before finding what they are looking for, they are out of luck! Keep in mind that for the same position, a recruiter will receive dozens, even hundreds of CVs!

💡 Good to know

Create a good 100% effective CV using one of our professional CV templates ready to fill in in minutes. A selection of CVs perfect for you is at your disposal to save you time.

An easy-to-read CV will help to capture attention and increase the chances of being retained later. So forget about poorly structured CVs and unconventional layouts that will require additional effort from the reader. The traditional CV is the one that will avoid any risk-taking.

traditional resume example

More original, the perfect free CV uses a layout that remains very easy to scan. The logos serve as visual cues to highlight the candidate's background and the skills are valued in the foreground.

cv tag example

In between, the Business CV uses a colored header and footer to contrast with the content of the CV. The pictograms make reading more fluid and more graphic.

resume not to do

In conclusion, attracting attention is good, but showing visually that reading will be easy and quick is better. Check out our CV templates for inspiration or our articles on how to make your CV more attractive or how to make a CV design .

After this first sorting, the recruiter will look more in depth at the pre-selected CVs to make a second sorting. Following which you will be called to come for an interview or not...

15 CV examples to inspire you and avoid failures

To avoid writing a bad CV or the CV that you should definitely not write, follow our advice and download one of our examples of professional, effective and original CVs.

1. A contemporary CV template

bad resume example

The contemporary CV template is highlighted by a modern header and a professional structure that uses the codes of the curriculum vitae.

Its main section concerns your professional experiences. A column indicates your training, the skills you wish to highlight and the level of languages ​​spoken. Hobbies are presented at the bottom of the page in the form of pictograms, to provide a complement to the whole.

📥 Download the Contemporary CV template

2. The convincing CV model

example of a convincing CV

The structure of the convincing CV template makes it easy for the recruiter to read and offers a professional and airy layout. Its guiding line highlights your training, your professional experiences and then your skills.

A description allows you to present your profile and an additional block is reserved for interests, indicated in the form of pictograms to lighten the CV. The sober colors and the graphic elements that underline the titles give dynamism to the whole, without overdoing it!

📥 Download the convincing CV template

3. Our fancy CV template

good and bad resumes

Would you like to stand out with an original CV? The Fantaisie model is the one for you!

This CV example allows you to stand out without switching to a CV that is too atypical thanks to its colored background and geometric shapes. The layout remains classic with professional experiences in the main section, the candidate's training, their technical and soft skills, but also the languages ​​spoken. Little extra? Blocks are provided for your references and for your hobbies.

📥 Download the Fancy CV template

4. An extra CV template

extra cv example

In this CV example, we find some touches of originality with a header decorated with polka dots and colorful elements added to the text. Its particularities help you stand out without overdoing it!

The layout is airy and clear to make it easier for the recruiter to read. First, we find the description of the candidate to convince, then two columns separated by blocks: soft skills then technical skills, interests, experiences, diplomas and training then languages.

📥 Download the Extra CV template

5. The flower-decorated CV template

example of a flowery CV

What if the floral trend was even exported to your resume? This floral resume template is original, modern and atypical.

It helps you stand out without falling into kitsch thanks to a worked design and a professional structure. Apart from the touch of fantasy in the background of the CV, we find the main elements of the curriculum vitae: the candidate's profile, detailed professional experiences, training, assets and interests, then the level of languages ​​spoken.

📥 Download the Fleuri CV template

6. A winning CV template

example of winning cv

The winning resume template is considered one of our best resumes by candidates. It is based on a clear, airy and well-organized layout.

The blocks are differentiated by titles, highlighted in the form of tabs. The focus is first on your education and experience, then on your skills and goals. A column, indicated by a graphic element under the CV photo, leaves space for your description, contact details and language level.

📥 Download the Winning CV template

7. Our interactive CV template

interactive resume example

This perfect example of a convincing CV allows the recruiter to better visualize your profile and your assets. This is possible thanks to a hierarchical layout, well-defined blocks, but above all many visual elements that air out the page and facilitate reading.

A large space is left for your "about" to convince. The pictograms allow the reader to find the sections they are looking for in the blink of an eye. The colored background and the consistency of the colors provided in the document allow you to stand out.

📥 Download the Interactive CV template

8. The Luxury and Fashion CV template

luxury cv example

This CV example is inspired by the biggest brands to allow you to stand out with a professional and polished application.

The first part of the document highlights the blocks "about me", "education" and "contact details". The main block, in the center, concerns your professional experience given in chronological order. Finally, the skills and languages ​​are highlighted by progress bars in the same soft and sober color as the header.

📥 Download the Luxury CV template

9. A striking CV template

example of a powerful CV

Thanks to a colorful and very graphic header, this CV example attracts the eye for a more striking effect. This originality is softened by a professional and more refined set in which we find the codes of the classic CV.

The first block is reserved for your profile description and allows you to talk about your strengths and goals. The main block concerns the candidate's professional experiences. Then we find the training and two blocks for interests and strengths.

📥 Download the Impactful CV template

10. The time-saving CV template

quick resume example

Are you looking for an easy-to-fill resume that saves you time, without compromising the quality of your application? This quick resume template is for you!

Simple, sober, airy and professional, it focuses on the essentials to impress your recruiter. The resume begins with an introduction of your assets then lists your training and professional experience. Blocks on the left allow you to add your contact details, your soft skills and technical skills as well as references. A real asset to convince!

📥 Download the Quick Resume Template

11. A recent and modern CV template

recent resume example

This modern CV redefines the codes of the CV to offer a contemporary application.

The main section allows the recruiter to discover your professional experiences and the training followed at a glance thanks to a timeline. The last block introduces your passions in a bolder handwritten typography. The left column, colorful, addresses your main information. They are highlighted by worked and original titles like "to know" or "in two words".

📥 Download the Recent CV template

12. Our Timeline CV template

example of cv timeline

Ideal for interns or career change profiles, this original CV template highlights your career path. Its very neat design offers a real tree structure of your experiences, to capture the attention of your recruiter.

So we find a graph as the main element that leads from your oldest professional experience to the most recent. Superfluous information is left aside to convince your recruiter thanks to the skills that you have acquired during your different jobs.

📥 Download the Timeline CV template

13. The visual resume template

visual resume example

The highly detailed sections of this CV template provide a clearer reading of your assets. Play on the visual aspect with pictograms, graphics, colorful titles and logos!

This resume allows you to really highlight your professional skills and soft skills. The CV codes remain respected thanks to an “about” block, closely followed by your detailed experiences.

📥 Download the Visual CV template

14. The Adam CV template

cv not good

This CV example is ideal for proposing a modern, colorful and original application. Its trendy colors and its focus on strengths and skills make it perfect for a beginner profile!

Its header offers three key points to define you, a description of your profile and your contact details. This is followed by the classic sections of training and professional experience. Your interests and strengths are highlighted in the left section.

📥 Download Adam CV template

15. A decorative CV template

a resume

Would you like to highlight your personality? Set the scene immediately with the Déco CV template that stands out with originality and professionalism.

Its trendy header adds value to your application and attracts the eye. The layout of the CV follows classic codes, with a touch of fantasy in the color of its tabs and the graphics that highlight your soft skills and key skills.

📥 Download the Deco CV template

Have you found the convincing CV template you need? Boost your application by following all our tips to fill out your CV effectively and highlight your application without any mistakes!

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