cv animateur

A leisure center is recruiting near you, but you haven't yet made your activity leader CV ? Do you think that your activity leader CV is not up to scratch or are you looking to highlight the skills you acquired during your BAFA?

Throughout this article, we will show you how to highlight your teaching qualities and your technical skills in animation through a well-constructed CV.

In this article you will discover:

  • Examples of animator CVs to download
  • How to write a professional animator CV
  • Our tips for writing a top-notch animator CV

Discover our examples of animation CVs to download

To put all your chances on your side, we advise you to turn to our examples of animator CV to download (doc, pdf, ppt format). With a layout that already meets the selection criteria, you only have to integrate human values ​​and your experiences in a leisure center.

A beginner BAFA animator CV

cv bafa animator

Are you about to write your first BAFA animator CV? Take inspiration from this template to present your skills well.

For a position as a recreation center animator, a few words are enough to convince. Highlighting your training and experience speaks volumes about your professionalism. Don't lose the reader's attention with secondary information. Your know-how is illustrated under your profile photo thanks to the assessment of your assets. This is a good example of a summer camp animator CV.

📥 Download this BAFA animator CV (pdf, word, ppt)

A creative model for a leisure center animator

cv bafa

Your skills as an animator are not limited to creativity. And you make it known through this impactful content.

Your practice and skills are the important pillars of this application. Keywords and graphic elements are used to support the assessment of your management, supervision and group leadership skills. The promotion of this know-how could allow you to access a mission in a leisure center in bafa. Of course, you can use this model for your example of a leisure center animator CV.

📥 Download this education assistant CV (pdf, word, ppt)

Our example of an animator CV for the most experienced

cv after-school animator

Have you accumulated experience with young children or adolescents? You will be able to compile them on this after-school activity leader CV or leisure center activity leader CV.

It is optimized to collect and classify the most important information related to your practice. If you do not know how to discuss all the activities implemented during your various animations, you can rely on the layout of this bafa CV template.

📥 Download this teacher CV (pdf, word, ppt)

An improved animator CV

cv bafa practical training

Since it's time to upgrade your BAFA internship CV, here is a model that reveals all your skills.

It is ideal for applying for a position as a camp director. In two well-organized columns, you show all the actions implemented during the different stays. The “About” section groups together your best skills for the job. To become a leisure center animator, this is the example you need.

📥 Download this teacher CV (pdf, word, ppt)

A child's CV made easy

cv leisure center animator

If you want to work in a leisure center without a BAFA, you need to develop certain human qualities. This model helps you present them well.

This CV for animator presents similar themes to that of the school teacher. Relationship with children and pedagogy are two important qualities enhanced by a colorful background. The elegance of the design is enough to make you noticed, even with little experience.

📥 Download this school teacher CV (pdf, word, ppt)

An original educator CV

cv bafa beginner animator

This beginner educator resume template manages to stand out. It contains all the information expected for a bafa resume.

You can simply indicate everything you have put into practice during the passage of this precious exam. We have focused on the skills represented in the form of a percentage to highlight your know-how. It is a simple and original model to start looking for a job as a BAFA trainee animator.

📥 Download this nursery educator CV (pdf, word, ppt)

🚀 Are you still hesitating about choosing a CV template?

Find here our entire collection of CV templates adapted to the sports and education sector to save you time or inspire you.

How to create an effective leisure center animator CV?

animation resume

Leisure centre directors are very demanding in the selection of their future animators. Many young people take the BAFA test each year. Running a leisure centre or supervising a holiday camp is a job that is still in vogue these days.

However, the responsibilities of a BAFA facilitator are numerous. Supervising a group of children or adolescents requires many qualities: responsibility, pedagogy and vigilance. A great sense of creativity will also be expected.

Depending on the structure and the position, support may vary:

  • The extracurricular activities facilitator does not only design activities for children during their extracurricular time. He is involved in the dynamics of the structure. Thus, your ability to put together administrative files and explain your approach to institutions will be your strength.
  • The camp counselor is able to look after a group of young children and teenagers. Your creativity and responsiveness will be put to the test. To gain the recruiter's trust, show that you know all the safety rules required for outdoor outings.

The facilitator also has an extraordinary personality that creates group dynamics. Listing your knowledge of activities and facilitation techniques is highly recommended.

Our highly designed templates help to assert your personality. Now, you will have to offer attractive content. This is what we will see.

💡 Good to know

Save long hours of work with one of our professional templates ready to fill in within minutes. Design CV, simple CV, original CV, modern CV, classic black and white CV… More than 300 CV templates to fill in are at your disposal to save you time. Creating a perfect CV has never been so easy!

An example of a catchy sentence for an animator CV

Are you wondering how to become a creative leisure facilitator? Access to the position always starts the same way: submit a well-structured animation CV.

The hook sentence contributes to this good structure. It shows that you already know about child care. There are several areas where you can assert your expertise:

  • Years of practice
  • Most important tasks
  • Two qualities expected

Proposing an animation project can earn you points. Don't hesitate to reuse these axes, even if you have never worked in a leisure center:

As a nursery school facilitator in after-school care for 3 years at the Saint-Eustache elementary school, I supervised a group of 12 children aged 3 to 5. I punctuated their daily lives with reading and board games while ensuring their safety and well-being. Gentle and creative, I would like to repeat this experience at your leisure center where I will organize a small theater workshop with the older children.

Highlighting professional experiences on an animator's CV

supervisory or animation experience

Your expertise with children is essential for a leisure center director to entrust you with the management of a group.

If you think that an animator job is limited to the conceptualization of fun or sports activities, you are wrong. There are many other missions that revolve around this profession. For your application to be selected, your tasks must illustrate your great attention to the rules of supervision and a great deal of logistics for a successful stay in camp.

So, in addition to designing an animation project, you need to know:

  • Welcoming the public safely
  • Build a project consistent with the educational objectives
  • Integrating into an animation team
  • Managing conflicts and crisis situations
  • Listening to young people and exchanging ideas
  • Animate daily life events (getting up/going to bed, meals, washing, etc.)
  • Be active during team meetings

For a position in a socio-cultural center, other missions will be entrusted to you. Thus, it will be necessary to adapt this section a little better:

  • Implementation of the social project
  • Lead information sessions
  • Working with different partnerships
  • Organize municipal events

🛑 Pro tip

Promote projects implemented in line with the structure in which you are applying. For example, proposing a theater activity in a socio-cultural center will have more impact than hosting an evening event.

It is entirely possible to apply for a job as an animator without a BAFA. You just need to highlight your strengths as a supervisor and give details about the group supervised:

After-school activity leader, Saint-Eustache School (90)

  • Team of 1 male and 3 female facilitators
  • Supervision of 12 children aged 6 to 10
  • Preparing activity tables
  • Children's reception from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Transmission of information to parents
  • Setting up a sporting and fun activity (series of games around a ball)
  • Accompanying children to the toilet
  • Organization of the snack during the afternoon

Essential training for applying to a leisure center

Working in a leisure center without a BAFA is possible if you provide information in this section on studies related to the care of a group of children/adolescents:

  • Professional Baccalaureate in Animation-Childhood
  • DEUST Animation
  • Specialized studies in medical-social matters (DEES, DEEJE, etc.)

If you want to lead trips abroad, obtaining the English BAFA (or BAFD) can make all the difference.

The skills and human qualities of an animator

facilitator skills

The skills section of an animator CV differs depending on the type of position sought. On the other hand, certain required knowledge does not change from one application to another:

  • Techniques for artistic, cultural and sporting activities
  • Regulations on supervision
  • Health and safety rules

Knowledge of child psychology will also be highly appreciated. Please elaborate on your experiences by listing your technical skills:

  • Guarantor of the child's physical and moral safety
  • Organizing an activity
  • Adapting language according to the child's age
  • Writing an action report
  • Communication with the center manager and parents

For a summer camp facilitator position, add this information:

  • Facilitating a team meeting
  • Supervision during an outing outside
  • Participation in vigils
  • Supervision of a group from sunrise to sunset
  • Meal preparation

With or without a BAFA, you must demonstrate the same essential human qualities:

  • Dynamism
  • Pedagogy
  • Creative
  • Force of proposal
  • Adaptability
  • Availability
  • Good physical condition
  • Diplomacy
  • Sense of observation
  • Reactivity
  • Listening skills

Interests on an animation CV

This last section can earn you extra points, especially for a first experience with children.

It is strongly recommended to focus on hobbies that are very popular in leisure centers:

  • Outdoor sport or team sport (football, canoeing, hiking, etc.)
  • Artistic activities (writing, painting, theater, etc.)
  • Manual activities (scrapbooking, cooking, origami, etc.)

Don't hesitate to highlight your years of practice. This can demonstrate your ability to transmit your passion to the group you will supervise.

4 tips for a good animator CV

leisure center facilitator
  1. Catchphrase: This is a good way to show your knowledge in taking charge of a group, even if it is not within a leisure center. Monitoring the safety of children, proposing activities and your commitment to a new project for the structure enhance your application.
  2. Professional experience: your missions are not limited to organizing activities. Teamwork, welcoming young people and participating in the socio-educational project of the structure are also part of your tasks. Even without a BAFA, you may have a chance of accessing the position if you value taking care of a group of children.
  3. Skills: Before you integrate your technical skills of safely caring for children and participating in team meetings, you need to highlight some very important knowledge. These ensure the safe care of the group.
  4. Interests: Let loose on this last section. Whether you are more into sports or artistic activities, all hobbies are good. It is even better if your years of practice allow you to organize an activity around your passion.

If you present one of our examples of BAFA animator CVs and highlight your supervisory qualities, there is no reason why you should not go to summer camp next summer.

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