cv avec ou sans photo

Should you put a photo on a CV? This is the question that many job seekers ask themselves. While many countries have abandoned the CV with photo , this practice is still very present in France.

Appreciated by recruiters, the CV photo is however not obligatory and can even be a source of discrimination! So, CV with or without photo and why?

In this article you will discover:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of putting a photo on your CV
  • 15 CV templates without photo to download for your applications

Should you put a photo on a CV?

Putting a photo on a CV has become such a common practice that the question arises: is a photo on a CV mandatory?

According to the law, a photograph cannot be imposed by a recruiter on a job offer. Except for sectors of the profession in which physical appearance plays an important role, such as fashion or cinema, you cannot therefore be required to have a CV with a photo .

Just like mentioning age or marital status, putting your photo on your CV is not an obligation and is more a matter of custom and tradition.

Why put a photo on a CV?

A photo on a CV can enhance your profile as well as harm you. It is important to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the photo for CV , but especially on the best practices.

Should you use a professional photographer? What pose and facial expression should you adopt? Where should you take your photo? To help you, also check out our guide on: how to take a professional photo for a CV .

The advantages of putting a CV photo

CV with photo

If the CV with photo is so widely used, it is because it has some advantages! A good photo can allow you to make an impression on your recruiter, to stand out from the crowd, to give a more human dimension to your CV and above all to control the image that you give off. Shall we tell you everything?

1. Humanize your CV with a photo

When you apply for a job, your recruiter receives many similar CVs. Most of them have the same education and career path, so how can you stand out in the face of increasingly tough competition?

Adding a photo to your resume can help you reach your future employer and humanize your resume so that you are no longer just a "job candidate."

2. Control your image with a CV with photo

These days, it's very easy to do a Google search to find information about a candidate. It's then possible to come across photos that are much less flattering than a professional CV photo !

By choosing your own photo and including it on your CV, you control your image and avoid the curiosity of the recruiter who might look for you on social networks. We remind you all the same of the importance of taking care of your online image!

3. Allow a recruiter to remember your application

One of the main advantages of a CV with a photo is to impress your recruiter. As you probably know, images often have more impact than words! Your posture inspires confidence, determination and seriousness? Your future employer could be impressed by your confidence and pay more attention to the content of your CV.

💡 Good to know

Check out our selection of resume templates without photos and with photos to find inspiration. More than 300 resume templates are available and ready to fill in just a few minutes.

The disadvantages of the CV photo

cv without photo

The Curriculum Vitae is a document that allows the recruiter to have an overview of your experiences, your professional skills , your academic background and your assets. A photograph does not provide any of this information and can in no way attest to your abilities for the position! Moreover, it can even lead to some disadvantages.

1. Discrimination based on physical appearance

While CV photos allow recruiters to put a face to a name, they sometimes have a bad role since they can also lead to discrimination in hiring!

According to the 9th Barometer of Perception of Discrimination in Employment carried out by the Defender of Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO), physical appearance is the second criterion cited by 33% of unemployed people discriminated against when hiring.

The causes of discrimination? Age, obesity, overweight, ethnic origin, clothing style, tattoos and sometimes even a visible disability. Particularities often visible in a professional photo! A CV without a photo can then protect you from this type of discrimination.

2. Choosing a good photo for a CV

A poor quality or poorly framed photo, a background that is too personal or dark, an outfit or posture that is too casual... So many examples of a failed CV photo !

Taking a CV photo is not for everyone. Forget personal photos taken at a family party or your social media profile. A photo for a professional CV must be very neat. It must attest to your seriousness, while showing your friendliness. A "juggling" that can be complicated!

You don't like photos or think you're not photogenic enough? You don't feel like a photographer and you can't afford to hire a professional? Opt instead for a CV without a photo !

CV templates without photo to download

Making a CV without a photo allows you to highlight your strengths and skills, while protecting yourself from physical discrimination. Are you looking for an example of a CV without a photo that will allow you to stand out? Discover our best CV models to impress recruiters differently.

The photo on the CV (or not)

photo on cv or not

This CV template without photo is perfectly structured, clear and professional. It gives a feeling of rigor and clarity.

Thanks to its colorful frame, it brightens up the reading and attracts the eye of recruiters. If the color does not suit you, you can of course change it because absolutely everything is modifiable. With its many experiences and skills, this template is ideal for experienced profiles.

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The CV template without photo

cv template without photo

If you want to opt for a graphic presentation of your profile, this CV template without photo will be perfect for you.

Simply complete the graphic badge with your initials to give a creative touch to your CV. For the rest, everything is perfectly balanced between sobriety and graphic elements that make it very attractive. Who said that a photo on the CV was mandatory?

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Create a CV without a photo with a simple and elegant look

create a resume without photo

To create a CV without a photo with a sober and elegant look, this CV template will be ideal.

The whole structure is based on its clean lines and its highly contrasting grayscale. No need for a photo for your CV, your initials are used to create your personal logo. Of course, everything is customizable so you can choose your colors and content!

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Student CV without photo

student resume template without photo

No more gaps in your CV with this template, ideal for candidates with no experience.

Indeed, nothing is intended to directly present your professional career. The emphasis is on personal experiences and skills. On the visual side, the photo is quickly forgotten thanks to its original presentation and its many graphic elements. It almost looks like an infographic!

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CV without photo: the perfect model for all profiles

CV without photo model

Whatever your profile or your sector of activity, this CV model without photo will adapt to all candidates.

Very easy to complete, the graphic elements and colors of the template give a very recognizable design look. The experiences and training are very readable and there is even room for references. Enough to support your applications with authority.

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Building CV without photo

building resume template without photo

In the construction sector, the photo is completely optional. Indeed, the emphasis must be placed on what is expected most from you: your technical skills, your personal qualities and your know-how. And this is exactly what this CV template without photo highlights through its many sections presented in an aesthetic way.

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A great example of a CV without a photo

example cv without photo

This example of a CV without a photo uses the codes of the modern CV to give it an additional graphic touch.

The superposition of the banners highlights the left column and the candidate's key information. For the rest, a large space is left for professional experiences. Enough to satisfy experienced candidates, but not only.

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Architect CV template without photo

architect cv template without photo

When an architect wants to work in a firm, he can afford to be a little more original.

In this example of an architect CV, we quickly forget the profile photo with this unusual presentation that will not leave the recruiter indifferent. If you have little experience but want to stand out from the crowd with a creative personality, this model is for you!

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Make a CV without a photo with this template

make a cv without photo

In some sectors, it can be said that a photo is essential to give personality to your CV. Making a CV without a photo in the communications sector is therefore not insignificant.

With its neat, graphic and colorful presentation, this creative CV template makes the photo completely unnecessary. It offers everything you need to highlight your profile and send great applications!

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How to make a CV without a graphic photo

make cv without photo

How to make a sober CV without a photo that is not bland? This is exactly what this CV template has come up with.

Thanks to its colored band that recalls the graphic palettes of designers and colorists, this model is immediately more graphic. We have selected for you several sets of complementary colors in order to choose according to your preferences. The font and the clean lines conclude the whole with lightness.

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A template to easily create a CV without a photo

free cv without photo

No need for a photo on your CV when you have your own logo. This template is perfect for not sacrificing your many professional experiences.

Divided into two columns, this template offers a full page for your professional background. For the rest, many sections highlight your academic background and your strengths.

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Another example of a CV without a photo

example of cv without photo

Simple and modern, this example of a CV without a photo will convince recruiters from any sector.

The candidate's name is stylishly inserted into a very graphic title banner. The rest of the CV offers a wide selection of professional experiences presented in a timeline. The left column recalls the candidate's key information: short presentation, training and skills. It's all there!

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CV with photo or not, it doesn't matter!

CV photo or not

We love this CV template without a photo with a sober and professional look. Its structure and its contents perfectly aligned on a single column make it simple and effective to read.

The content has been pre-written for a webmaster but can be modified for any type of profile. It's a CV that gets straight to the point, without overdoing it!

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The new CV without photo 2021

cv with or without photo 2021

The 2021 CV trend is basically graphic and illustrative. At a glance, your CV can no longer be missed!

In this 2021 CV template without photo, the flowery background absorbs the gaze on the center of the CV to browse it carefully. The presentation of the profile remains sober and elegant in order to balance the whole. We love it!

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In conclusion, the choice of a CV with or without a photo remains very personal. To stand out and put all the chances on your side, we invite you to go further by consulting our article: how to make a CV attractive .

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