négocier son salaire

Negotiating your salary is not always easy, yet it is a necessary and completely legitimate step! Whatever your situation, you will one day be faced with salary negotiation. During a first interview, the question of salary expectations may be asked. Have you worked for the same company for several years? It may be time to boost your salary by asking for a raise.

According to the 21st annual Robert Walters Global Compensation Study, 73% of executives expect to receive a pay raise. In 2020, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit, and candidates are seizing the opportunity to negotiate higher pay levels.

To approach the question of “ how to negotiate your salary? ” more calmly, we give you 10 tips to follow.

1. Determine in advance what salary to ask for

First of all, it is essential to realistically analyze your salary. To know what remuneration you can expect, do not hesitate to monitor the salaries practiced for similar positions.

Your salary negotiation must take into account the size of your company, the region, the level of experience, your sector of activity or even seniority. Online simulations on the Apec or Juritravail website are possible to guide you.

Also, find out about the company to clarify your request. Are there any investments underway? Is your company planning layoffs or budget cuts? A studied and realistic request demonstrates your seriousness and your involvement.

2. Prepare convincing arguments

The results of your research into the salaries charged by competitors are very good arguments to support your salary adjustment . During the discussion, nothing prevents you from implying that other companies seem to offer a higher average compensation. Stay natural and do not cite specific sources so as not to give the impression of having prepared the subject.

3. Choose the right time for a salary increase

To negotiate a raise, it is important to determine THE right moment. Negotiating your salary by email for example or slipping in your request during a coffee break cannot lead to a positive response!

In order to put all the chances on your side, it is essential that your employer and the company are on good terms. Avoid rush periods and make an appointment during a quiet time, avoiding announcing right away that you want a pay rise . Simply say that you would like to take stock of your professional situation.

4. Know how to sell yourself

Before you can claim a better salary offer, it is important to know how to sell yourself. You cannot demand a better salary from your employer without giving them a valid, precise and concrete explanation!

Start by establishing what the weaknesses of your profile are. Why? Because they could be used by the recruiter to lower the amount of your offer. By determining them, you will be able to more easily overcome the remarks of your interlocutor.

Then make a list of your strengths. In the same way as the 3 qualities and 3 faults to give during a job interview , show that you have perspective and that you are aware of your strengths.

What can you bring to the company? A customer file, a particular technical skill, mastery of a language or even a network? Working well is not enough, it is a standard expected by companies. It is these particular and unexpected points that can make the difference and justify a salary negotiation !

5. Negotiate your salary when you are hired

Negotiating your salary for a job change or because you have seniority in the company may seem less delicate than during a job interview. However, it is the best time to set your goals! But how do you negotiate your salary during a first job?

During your interview, your recruiter may ask you what your salary expectations are. This is when you can start negotiating your salary! If the question is not asked, do not hesitate to bring it up after you have defended your skills for the position.

Don't be afraid to be bold when approaching the subject of salary. It may seem thorny, but it also shows that you will know how to negotiate with your future clients and that you are confident.

🛑 PRO Tip

Talk about your monthly salary in an interview, rather than your annual salary. The figures will be less impressive and your recruiter will therefore be more open!

6. Learn about salary ranges

Are you familiar with the anchoring strategy? This salary negotiation technique allows you to establish an anchor point that will then serve as a basis. In concrete terms, simply ask your recruiter what compensation he or she is considering for your position in terms of range.

The range is higher than you expected? Good news, you will have the opportunity to negotiate more than you expected. Your employer or recruiter gives you a range that is too low? Now you know what to expect and you can adopt a softer salary negotiation strategy.

7. Bring up your previous salary and competing offers

Was the salary you received in a previous position higher than the one you are being offered? Your salary negotiation can be based on this amount. If your profile is sought after, your recruiter could make you a more attractive offer.

A company offers you a more attractive offer for the same type of position and missions? Once again, don't hesitate to be honest. Your employer will certainly decide to match it by making a new salary offer .

8. Stay open to dialogue and arrangements

During a salary negotiation , each party must find an interest. The result is not what you expected? Do not close yourself off to the discussion and try to remain open to the proposals that may be made to you.

If your employer is unable to give you a pay rise, they can offer you other arrangements: teleworking, flexible working hours, company car, training, meal vouchers, etc.

9. Adopt the correct posture

To convince your employer, it is essential to be convinced yourself. Be confident, if you have followed all our advice your interview has been well prepared. You have all the keys in hand to make a good impression!

Be smiling, positive and diplomatic. Whatever the outcome of this interview, negotiating a salary will have allowed you to show your boldness and get out of your comfort zone.

10. Conclude your interview well

Your salary increase has been accepted? All you have to do is thank your employer. Offer to meet again a few months later to take stock and show your reliability.

In the event that a period of reflection has been requested, a new interview must be scheduled in order to know the final decision of your superior. Thank him for the time he has devoted to you.

If your request unfortunately ended in a refusal, try to identify the reasons. Why is the salary increase impossible? Was this request really crucial? Discuss it with your employer and do not hesitate to set up a new appointment to discuss it again in a few months.

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