compétences relationnelles

Interpersonal skills are real assets to include in a resume. Are you aiming for a sales position and would like to make a difference? The job you are applying for requires human skills, but you don't know how to position your qualities? Take inspiration from our examples of the best interpersonal skills to include in a resume to convince recruiters.

In this guide you will discover:

  • What is a relational skill?
  • Why integrate interpersonal skills?
  • A list of the 10 most sought-after human and relational qualities.

What is a relational skill?

You may know human and relational skills as “soft skills”, or interpersonal skills? This term, translated as “soft skills” in French, refers to all of a candidate’s personal skills.

While professional skills refer to technical aspects, relational skills mainly concern the character traits and interpersonal skills of the job seeker. The ability to listen and understand, ease of public speaking, interpersonal skills or teamwork are very good examples of human skills sought by recruiters.

If human resources are increasingly focusing on the personal qualities of candidates, it is because they are a guarantee that they will integrate more easily into an already formed team and a particular position.

How to integrate personal skills on a CV?

Interpersonal skills can help you convince your future employer, provided you use them wisely! For them to be effective and well interpreted by the recruiter, it is important to choose them carefully and place them well in your resume.

The first rule to follow is to select a relational quality that really defines you. If it catches the attention of your recruiter, it will certainly be tested during your first interview!

Target the strongest human skills, but especially those that are the most relevant. Good interpersonal skills are an advantage for a sales position , but will not necessarily convince for a more solitary job in which the sense of contact is not sought.

Where to place social and relational skills on a CV?

The CV is primarily used to highlight your professional and academic background. Interpersonal skills are great tools to help you stand out, but they shouldn't take up all the space on your CV!

Rather than a list of interpersonal skills, we recommend that you rely on concrete situations that will speak to your recruiter. Instead of “ people skills ,” use for example: “I had the opportunity to work on my interpersonal skills with many service providers during my previous sales position.”

The ideal is to integrate your interpersonal skills into your CV hook, when detailing your professional experiences or in a box reserved for this purpose.

Top 10 Most Sought-After Soft Skills on a Resume

Are you wondering what character traits are most sought after by recruiters? In addition to interpersonal skills , it is often autonomy and organization that can make all the difference between two candidate profiles! To help you sharpen your CV and prepare for your professional interview, take inspiration from our list of the best human skills and abilities to include on a CV.

1. Have good interpersonal skills

Good communication is essential for most jobs. No matter the sector in which you wish to apply, showing listening skills, empathy and friendliness can only enhance your candidate profile! Whether you are in contact with customers, suppliers, service providers or simply within your team, interpersonal skills are always appreciated by human resources.

2. Be autonomous

Autonomy is a quality that is highly sought after by employers, since it is reassuring! A recruiter will prefer to hire a competent and autonomous candidate, who learns quickly and allows him to save time. A less experienced and unsure profile will require more energy and training.

Don't hesitate to highlight situations in which you had to demonstrate autonomy in your previous positions.

3. Have good organization

No matter what type of job you are applying for, organization and rigor are soft kills noticed by recruiters. To avoid wasting time in a day and to be more efficient, it is always essential to be organized and plan your tasks! This is important to save time, preserve your energy, not get distracted and stay focused.

4. Adapt easily

Companies are constantly evolving and are often required to make changes to their organization or strategy. Candidates who demonstrate adaptability and are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone are therefore appreciated!

To highlight your adaptability, you can discuss your reaction to a change that occurred in your previous company.

5. Know how to work in a team

Does the job you want to apply for involve teamwork? If you like collaborative work, this relational quality is a mention that could make all the difference with your recruiter and reassure him. It proves your interpersonal skills and your professionalism!

6. Be creative

Creativity is an essential asset for a position in the art or fashion industry, but this quality can also serve you in other sectors of the profession. A creative mind is capable of imagining new solutions, of breaking out of traditional thought patterns, but also of demonstrating curiosity. Many advantages to highlight on your CV!

7. Open-mindedness

Your open-mindedness demonstrates your desire to learn and evolve. A candidate who sticks to their guns and doesn't want to open up to other possibilities can only devalue themselves in front of their recruiter! What professionals are looking for are candidates who are able to demonstrate flexibility in order to move forward.

8. Be proactive

Most companies want to evolve to adapt to the demand of consumers, customers and their service providers. The strength of proposal proves your ability to anticipate the needs of your company, but above all your ability to offer suitable solutions.

This relational quality can also demonstrate your dynamism and your involvement within the company.

9. Have good leadership

Leadership is the ability to lead a team or organization to achieve its goals. A good leader is therefore able to motivate and value his team, assets highly sought after by recruiters!

Does the position you are applying for require good leadership? Prove your interpersonal skills by giving a concrete example of your experience as a leader, supported by figures and results.

10. Enthusiasm

Your enthusiasm for the position you are applying for can make all the difference in a pile of resumes. It is your ability to project yourself into your future employment that will convince your recruiter that you are made for this job and that you deserve to be given a chance.

Without going overboard, explain your motivations and what you like about the company you are applying to.

💡 Good to know

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