police pour cv

A good CV is important to have a chance of getting a job interview within a company. It is in just a few seconds that the recruiter decides whether or not to continue reading.

To optimize your chances, it is therefore essential to take care of all the details of your resume and particularly its typography. A bad choice of font and your application could be put aside! Can we help you make the right choice?

We are going to see the 10 best fonts for a perfect CV, chic and stylish!

Why is the font of a CV important?

Choosing the font to use for a CV may seem trivial, but it has much more impact than you might think! In addition to completely changing the appearance of your CV, typography also directly affects the recruiter's perception of your profile.

Examples? A CV font that is too large will lead you to completely rethink your layout. Conversely, a font that is too small, too tight or simply illegible risks discouraging your recruiter who will not continue reading. Finally, a fanciful font could give the impression of a lack of seriousness.

It's proven that the choice of a font has a direct impact on reading , but also on the perception of information. A font is in fact a real element of non-verbal communication! It is from the latter that an employer will determine if you are organized, confident, dynamic or too introverted.

💡 Good to know

To see good examples of using typography, take inspiration from our professional CV templates. More than 300 CV templates to download are available to help you and save time.

The Best Fonts to Use for Your Resume

Are you looking for the best CV font ? If despite all our advice for writing the perfect CV you haven't made your choice yet, discover our Top 10 to inspire you!

Montserrat Police for a CV

police cv

This typography is used on many websites, especially for titles. Ideal as a CV font , it will be useful for prioritizing your categories or as a content font. Warm, it will highlight your profile!

Download Montserrat font

Helvetica as resume font

what font for a cv

The sans-serif Helvetica font inspires professionalism, a safe bet for writing resumes. More airy and readable than “Times New Roman” or “Arial”, it remains easy to read at all print sizes.

This CV font is particularly suitable for a beginner CV since it shows the seriousness of the candidate without overdoing it. It is the favorite typography of brands and companies!

Download Helvetica font

Bebas for his CV titles and headings

police resume

This resume font is ideal for highlighting your titles such as “Skills”, “Professional Experience”, “Interests” or “Training”. Creative and trendy, it is made up of capital letters that catch the eye. Be careful, however, not to use it for the content of your resume.

Download Bebas font

Roboto Police on a Resume

cv font

The Roboto font was created for the Android operating system. Widely used, it is a familiar font that will reassure recruiters. It can be found on Google, Maps and Youtube. Modern and reassuring, it will be ideal as a font for CVs !

Download Roboto font

Poppins for an original CV

best font for cv

Poppins is a sans serif font, very geometric. On a CV it is easy to read and elegant, but above all it brings a lot of personality! For an original CV , but above all one that stands out, this is the font to choose. Be careful with its size, however, it could lose visibility.

Download Poppins font

Raleway Police on a Woman's Resume

police for a cv

Raleway is a font widely used in the fashion and digital sectors. Airy, it allows you to embrace your femininity and brings a bit of originality to your CV! This professional typography should be used wisely, for creative positions.

Download Raleway font

A trendy CV with the Avenir font

font to use for a cv

Apple's “Avenir” font is the new minimalist trend. More creative than classic fonts, it remains sober enough for a professional document and will highlight your resume.

Download the Future font

Arial Rounded for a less classic CV

typography cv

The Arial font has established itself as a reference for writing professional documents, including CVs. Pleasant to read, it is light and remains elegant. In its more original version, the Arial Rounded font goes very well with it to bring creativity and originality to titles.

Download Arial Rounded font

The Neutral Verdana Police

cv font

Are you looking for a neutral font? Verdana is a sans-serif font, very popular and ideal for highlighting key figures. Versatile, it will allow your recruiter to focus on the content of your CV and not on its form. However, it is to be avoided for a creative CV !

Download Verdana font

Coolvetica for a modern CV

the best font for a cv

This modern and textured font will allow you to stand out from your competitors. Highly readable, the Coolvetica font offers a professional and modern image and is therefore perfectly suited as a font for a CV, especially for your CV titles or sections !

Download Coolvetica font

Which font should you choose for your CV?

As you can see, your CV font must be carefully and appropriately determined. Whether you opt for a classic CV typography or a more original one, there are a few tips to follow to write a good CV :

  1. Forget about handwriting
  2. Choose bold instead of italic
  3. Do not use more than two different fonts for a more harmonious look.
  4. Choose left alignment instead of text justification.
  5. Choose classic fonts for your content (Helvetica, Neue, Arial, Colibri,...)
  6. Beware of overusing capital letters. A text written in lower case is read 14% faster than a text in capitals (Source: Poulton and Brown, 1968; Tullis, ST 1988).

Choose your CV font according to the position you are applying for

Depending on the position you are applying for, the right choice of resume font will be completely different . Let’s take “Times New Roman” as an example, a classic font and a safe bet in most professional environments. Because it is widely used, it can seem banal for an artistic job offer and can even give the impression that you lack creativity and boldness.

🛑 PRO Tip

Check the font used on the website or brochures of the company you are applying to. By choosing a similar CV font , you are not likely to make a mistake and you prove your interest! The recruiter could be naturally drawn to this font that he already knows and sees every day.

Take care with the size of your fonts on a CV

Another important criterion: the font size for a CV . We recommend that you choose size 12 which is suitable for most typographies. Good to know, the fonts displayed on the screen are the same size as when printed on paper.

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