comment faire cv attractif

Why write an attractive CV ? Because it only takes a few seconds for a recruiter to decide whether or not to offer you a job interview. Writing your CV according to a few simple rules can help you make your application stand out from an ever-growing pile of CVs.

Layout, typography, colors, spelling mistakes or professional experiences to highlight, we decipher the codes of an attractive CV for you. Get inspired by our advice and examples of original and attractive CV models!

In this article you will find:

  • The 10 golden rules to follow to create an attractive CV
  • 10 attractive CV examples to download to help you

The 10 golden rules for creating an attractive CV

make cv attractive

You still haven't received a response to your applications? Here is our checklist to make your CV more attractive, more stylish and more seductive to catch the eye of recruiters and increase your chances of being contacted. By following these golden rules, you will immediately increase the quality of your CV.

1. Make a CV with a clear title

This first piece of advice seems obvious, but all it takes is a bad title for your resume to be forgotten. A clear and coherent title is therefore essential for an attractive CV !

Let me give you an example? If you're applying for a web developer position, the same job title won't make you stand out in a pile of applications. By opting for "Trilingual JavaScript Developer" instead, you'll highlight your specialty and your main asset. The recruiter will have a direct insight into your value, compared to other candidates whose title is simply "Web Developer".

2. Complete the “About Me” section of the CV

You only have a few seconds to convince your recruiter that you deserve a job interview. The “about” section of a CV allows you to summarize your profile, your skills and the value you can bring to the company. This introduction is therefore essential to convince him to spend more than 30 seconds reading it!

An ideal resume hook is no longer than 5 sentences. It should summarize your career path, cite your key skills, and support your results with facts or figures. Need inspiration? In one of our articles, we give you some examples of resume hooks for all types of profiles.

3. Highlight your professional experiences

Professional experience is an essential step in writing a CV. It allows the recruiter to know the positions you have held and gives them a more precise idea of ​​your career, the missions you have been entrusted with and your activity . But how can you stand out when it is part of the very essence of the CV? What can make all the difference is the way you present your professional experiences.

Most candidates simply list the positions they have held and the tasks they performed. Rather than listing your responsibilities, we recommend that you present these experiences as results . Forget the classic and overused terms like "I was in charge of" and opt for action verbs like "develop," "analyze," "create," or "negotiate."

As part of a first job search, you don't necessarily have any professional experience to highlight. So target this part on your internships, training or even volunteering.

4. Adapt your CV to the desired position

If you apply to dozens of job offers per day, you may be tempted to create a standard CV to save time. However, as with the cover letter, it is essential to adapt your CV to the desired position! Why? Because your recruiter will always be more attracted to an application that highlights the points raised in the job offer.

To write an attractive CV , make a list of all your skills and professional experiences then put yourself in your recruiter's shoes.

  • Which missions best match your job search?
  • What skills make you stand out in relation to the position offered?

For a sales position, for example, it is interesting to focus on interpersonal skills related to teamwork, negotiation and listening.

5. Take care of the design for an attractive CV

The design of your CV is important because it can help you stand out in a pile of similar applications. It is the first element used by your recruiter to get an idea of ​​your profile, so be careful to keep it simple and effective! An original design can make a difference as well as harm you.

Opt for a modern layout, attractive colors and visual elements that catch the eye. Well-thought-out pictograms can highlight your contact details as well as your professional skills. To go further, we explain which colors to choose for a CV !

💡 Good to know

Save long hours of work with a professional resume template ready to fill in minutes. Many examples of blank resumes are available to save you time.

6. Work on the layout of your resume

Having all the skills required for a position is not enough if your recruiter has to decipher your CV! The rule to remember is that form is as important as substance. A structured, clear and readable CV is essential to highlight the important data in your document.

An attractive resume should be airy, hierarchical and fit on a single page. To make it easier to read and clearer, work on organizing your sections using columns and bullet points. Select the most relevant experiences, skills and assets so as not to overload your document with information.

Can't include all your references? Add a link to your website or portfolio.

7. Choose the right typography for an attractive CV

The choice of font is important because it can say a lot about your personality and makes your resume more or less readable.

Our advice? Don't choose more than two fonts, one for the body text and a second for the title. Keep in mind that the optimal size for a CV font is 10 or 12 and that the title should always be written slightly larger than your text.

Would you like to highlight keywords? Highlight important passages in bold to catch the recruiter's eye and bring dynamism to your layout. Opt for modern fonts that demonstrate your seriousness and rigor thanks to our article on the best CV fonts .

8. Put a professional photo on your CV

This question is still debated: should you put a photo on your CV? The choice is yours, but a professional photo can attract the attention of your recruiter and convince him. If you decide to opt for the photo CV, do not use the one from your identity card or from your last vacation .

We recommend that you take a good quality photo, against a neutral background and wearing the same outfit that you would wear for a job interview.

9. Provide concrete information

By providing concrete and tangible information, you reassure your recruiter and prevent them from perceiving your CV as too abstract.

Numerical results, proven skills, a list of your technical abilities, recommendations or links to your website can make all the difference compared to other candidates! Ask your former employers to recommend you and include their contact details in your CV.

10. Pay attention to spelling mistakes

This advice seems classic and obvious, but it is important to remember it because its importance is crucial! A spelling mistake can be a deal breaker for a company, so it is essential to reread your CV several times.

Worried about missing a typo? Have your friends and family read it and don't hesitate to use proofreading software to spot the most obvious mistakes.

Bonus: Choosing the right format to distribute your CV

The paper CV is now reserved for companies where you go to apply. It is now possible to apply online through websites specializing in job offers, on social networks or by contacting employers by e-mail.

The PDF format is then preferred for distributing your CV. Be careful, however, to rename your document correctly so that it is not lost by the recruiter! It is easier to find a document entitled "CV - First name - Position sought" than a "Document1".

10 attractive CV examples to download

Because pictures are worth a thousand words, we show you some examples of attractive CVs that are sure to inspire you.

An example of an attractive CV

attractive cv word

This attractive and very clear CV catches the eye of recruiters thanks to its original header, decorated with polka dot patterns.

Its layout consists of an "about" section in which to describe your candidate profile, then two columns containing all the information necessary to land a job interview! Your various elements such as professional experience, training, languages ​​spoken, skills and interests are enhanced by touches of color or level bars.

📥 Download the extra CV template

The CV template with original design

attractive cv example

Trendy and stylish, this decorative CV helps you set the scene and catch the attention of your recruiter. The colors are modern and effective, for a creative touch in all sobriety.

The header personalized with a photo background allows you to integrate a portrait-style snapshot, your name, the title of the desired position and your contact details. In the first part of the CV, an insert is reserved for your catchphrase. Professional experience, training and key skills are separated by lines and tabs. Very visual, a graph highlights your soft skills and progress bars attest to your level of competence.

📥 Download this stylish and trendy CV template

A convincing CV template

attractive cv template word

This resume template focuses on the essentials to convince your recruiter at a glance. Its original structure is organized on two vertical columns whose dividing line makes reading more hierarchical and fluid.

On the left side, we find the candidate's profile with a photo enhanced by a frame, the name, the title of the position held and sought, a short description, contact details and finally the interests in the form of pictograms. The right side begins with training, then professional experience and ends with skills and their level. An easy-to-fill and effective CV for any type of job!

📥 Download a convincing CV template

A CV design that attracts attention

attractive cv word and powerpoint

Original and bold, this floral CV template is ideal for applying in a creative or feminine environment. The background of the CV is decorated with very trendy floral patterns in watercolor or print. Dare to express your personality and creativity with this atypical CV!

In order to remain professional, the content of the CV is simple and effective. We find the name and contact details of the candidate, then two columns. The main part contains professional experience, training and language skills. On the left, a short description is possible followed by the job seeker's strengths and interests.

📥 Download Flower Print Resume Template

The winning CV template

attractive cv template

Creating a resume with our winning template will maximize your chances of landing a job interview! Its structure is professional, efficient, sober and suitable for all types of positions.

Thanks to its elaborate and original titles, it is somewhat reminiscent of the layout of a website. In a left column, more concise and contrasted, we find the candidate's photo and a "profile" tab in which to introduce yourself in a few lines.

This is followed by a "contact" tab with a few pictograms to highlight your contact details, then "languages" which highlights your language skills. On the right, under the name of the job seeker and the title of the position, we see the training, experience and skills. Well thought out, an "objective" section completes the convincing.

📥 Download this winning CV template

A CV to stand out from other candidates

attractive cv example

This interactive CV example allows you to see your entire profile at a glance. Thanks to its clear and engaging structure, it is suitable for both a young job seeker and a more experienced profile.

Its two-column layout presents the candidate on the left and defines his skills and strengths on the right. The background of this resume is colored to stand out from classic resumes. Below the candidate's name, we find the job title and a space for the photograph, in portrait format.

The "description" section leaves more room than a simple catchphrase and allows you to really summarize your career path and goals. A vertical timeline draws the eye to professional experiences, academic background and skills.

📥 Download our interactive CV template

The impactful CV template

attractive cv template

What's better than a striking template to make your CV attractive? Thanks to its colorful and graphic header, this resume catches the eye. It is perfectly suited to web professions and a creative position!

The first part of the CV sets the tone with the name of the candidate, the position sought, contact details and especially its "Profile" section which allows a real description of your professional background. In the center, professional experiences are highlighted with bullet points for the tasks performed. The CV concludes with the training, the strengths of the job seeker and his interests.

📥 Download the impactful CV template

The profile CV template

make an attractive resume

Transform your resume into a profile with this modern and bold template. Attractive, it draws the eye to your portrait, your social networks and your skills in the manner of a real professional profile.

The first part of the CV highlights your catchphrase and the position you are looking for. The second part focuses on your contact details, the links you want to highlight, your training and of course your experience. The colors are sober and elegant, the lines catch the eye. A perfect example of a CV for web professions or for distribution on the internet!

📥 Download the professional profile CV

An attractive CV on Word and Powerpoint

attractive cv

This quick CV example allows you to save time and convince your recruiter in just a few lines. Simple to fill out, its structure is well-ventilated and very clear to promote a smooth reading of your information!

The candidate's photograph is highlighted by a graphic and colorful frame. The name is highlighted by a modern font, different from the rest of the document. We find the CV codes with: the title of the position, the description of the candidate, the contact details, the skills, the training and the professional experiences.

Little extra? A reference box allows you to add a recommendation and a link to your website.

📥 Download the quick resume template to save time

An example of a recent CV

attractive cv

With this recent CV template, you are sure to offer a modern application to recruiters. The layout is clear, the information is concise and effective, the colors are sought after and trendy.

The right column, highlighted by its colored background, highlights the candidate's profile with a photo, name, job title, age, contact details, strengths and qualities, languages ​​spoken and skills. Pictograms add value to the job seeker's know-how. The main column is organized by sections with a "professional experience" part, another "training" part and finally the passions that you wish to highlight.

📥 Download this recent CV template

🚀 Are you still hesitating in choosing the model?

Creating an attractive CV is easy with our original CV templates. Find here our entire collection of CVs adapted to all professions to save you time or inspire you.

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