cv développeur exemple

The web developer profile is extremely sought after. But your CV still needs to showcase it well... If you are applying as a senior web developer for new missions, or as a beginner for a first permanent job... you will need a top developer CV .

Want to know how to optimize your web developer CV ? Discover all our professional advice with our many pre-filled CV templates to save you time!

In this article you will discover:

  • Developer CV examples to download
  • How to Write a Professional Developer Resume
  • Our tips for writing a top-notch developer CV

Discover our examples of CVs for developers to download

We offer ready-to-use resume templates for beginners and experienced developers . The sophisticated and unique design will draw your clients' attention to your multiple skills. It will only take a few minutes to customize the sections and maybe land your next contract.

An illustrated web developer CV

web developer cv

Ideal for a junior web developer CV or an experienced web dev, our template attracts the eye with the illustration in the center. Links direct the eye to the different sections. There is no reading direction. Each piece of information is important.

Even the contact section where adding your networks allows you to better illustrate your work. The tabs next to your training and experiences illustrate their importance. The graphic charter of skills gives more clarity on the mastery of your tools. Blue, cyan or gray, choose your background color to stand out from the crowd.

📥 Download this web developer CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

An example of a web developer CV (full stack)

web developer resume example

This full stack developer resume example illustrates your abilities to work in the web or for a mobile application. The content is very well organized.

In the Professional Experience section, you can discuss all of your projects without leaving the page. We offer you a non-exhaustive list of the software you have mastered to highlight. The loading bar elegantly represents your level of expertise. We have added the “Method” category to assert your know-how in software development. This CV template is a tool that will allow you to respond to the various requests from your future clients

📥 Download this full stack developer CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

A demonstrative IT developer CV

cv computer developer

This example of an IT CV is ideal for illustrating your expertise for a corporate or freelance position. As a good digital architect, it is essential to have an application that presents your multiple skills in a distinguished way.

The lines are clean, the sections are spaced out and the font is out of the ordinary. The icons draw attention to the key points of your career. It is also a way to show your originality. We offer you a list of software to fill out. Mastery of an additional software to make the difference with another candidate with more experience.

📥 Download this IT developer CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

A very technical Java developer CV

java developer cv

This IT resume template helps you clearly identify your area of ​​expertise. Below the header, a paragraph provides a little more detail on your technical skills or presents your biggest projects.

We added color to highlight each skill and each tool mastered. This last section is the most important of your CV. On a beginner IT developer CV, you can extend this list to compensate for the lack of professional experience. The care taken in this example will help you land your first contracts.

📥 Download this Java developer CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

An example for a developer or web developer CV

developer resume example

We recommend this template to boost your web developer resume or show your qualities for a Technical Director position. To stand out from the crowd, you have to surprise. Here, what is surprising is your initials replacing the photo.

In addition to being original, this application is very professional. We offer you rich content to personalize. You will be able to fit the details of all your best projects on a single page. After describing your multiple functions in IT development, you still have room to detail your skills. This example of an IT developer resume is perfect for applying for big contracts.

📥 Download this Technical Management CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

🚀 Are you still hesitating in choosing the model?

Find here our entire collection of CVs adapted to IT professions to save you time or inspire you.

How to write a professional web developer resume?

cv developer

The digital sector is open to competition. Today, to convince, you have to focus on the concrete rather than the sophisticated. The client or recruiter must be able to target the developer's strengths very quickly.

The content should be simple, in line with your area of ​​expertise:

  • The web developer works for a diverse clientele on the development of a website: e-commerce, marketplace, intranet, etc. You must specify your specialization (Front end, back end, etc.) and demonstrate your ability to develop a site in compliance with the specifications. Demonstrating your knowledge of programming languages ​​(html, css, php, mysql, etc.) is essential.
  • The mobile developer takes care of the technical realization and development of different applications for smartphones or tablets. In addition to your theoretical knowledge, you will need to highlight your creativity and your ability to respond to external requests.
  • The software developer , as the name suggests, designs software on demand from clients. You will need to develop all aspects of your expertise, from design to maintenance.

To give yourself the best chance of being assigned projects, there are a few basic rules to always follow for an IT professional's CV:

  • Show your specialization from the header
  • List the tools mastered
  • Suggest links to your creations

Now, we will see what the four main sections of a computer designer developer CV should contain.

💡 Good to know

Save long hours of work with a professional resume template that is ready to fill in within minutes. There are many IT resumes to use to save you time.

An example of a hook sentence for a developer CV

The introductory paragraph of your CV is a must. It provides details on your area of ​​expertise in IT development. You can show your skills with certain software and mention the most significant projects.

To best develop the introduction of your profile on an IT CV, here are the steps:

  1. Mention your specialization (full stack, PHP, Java, etc.)
  2. Highlight your years of experience
  3. Discuss the software/applications you are proficient in
  4. Talk about your biggest projects

On a beginner web developer CV, you will need to mention your active participation in website development during an internship or training course.

Here is an example of a hook for a junior profile:

Recently graduated from the Coding Academy, I turned to front-end web development. For 2 years, I studied and experimented with different programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, PHP and CSS. My keen interest in UX/UI design allowed me to do a satisfying job on my internship site; the redesign of the Brussels Tourism Agency website.

Highlighting the professional experiences on your developer CV

web developer

There are two ways to successfully write this category:

  • Suggest 2 or 3 different professional experiences to show your versatility
  • Develop your larger project by listing each step of the process, from preparation to completion or maintenance.

In addition to indicating the practice relating to your area of ​​specialization (designing a website in front end or back end), do not forget the essential missions:

  • Drafting of specifications according to the client's request
  • Production of lines of code
  • Website settings
  • Production of application documentation (mobile developer)
  • Practice of SEO and/or responsive design
  • Carrying out tests after the site goes online
  • Website maintenance and correction of usability or ergonomics issues
  • Regular updating of the website

🛑 Pro tip

To make your practice concrete, you can, at the end of each experience, indicate a link to the website on which you worked or the Store application.

Here is an example of a well-detailed professional experience in web development:

Full Stack Developer, Metz Tourist Office

Pre-production of the project

  • Reception of the request and preparation of the specifications
  • Designing the site tree on paper


  • Collaboration with 1 web designer for the creation of responsive design and UX
  • Checking the portability of the site on different platforms and browsers
  • Participation in SEO during the development phase


  • Server configuration, development and maintenance
  • Design of the site infrastructure according to an Agile environment
  • Quality control and performance monitoring

As a junior developer, talk about the projects you participated in during your training or internship. Your personal website is also a very good professional experience.

Essential training for a web developer

Many developers have chosen self-taught learning. Skills are not to be questioned. However, on a computer programmer resume or an ista computer developer resume, it is the certification that makes all the difference:

  • Front-end or full-stack web developer certification
  • Certification in web development and design
  • Multimedia Developer Certification

You can also enhance your university degree:

  • DUT in computer science
  • Master 2 in computer science
  • MSC pro

Or highlight your training in major schools: Epitech, Supinfo, Ensimag, etc.

🛑 Pro tip

Regular continuing education is recommended to stay up to date on the development of new technology. These are assets that will further boost your CV.

Computer skills for a developer CV

cv dev

The goal of an IT CV is to make it accessible to everyone. You must make it clear to any client that you will be able to meet their request.

To do this, you need to sort through your skills and classify them into three categories.

First, the tools. They demonstrate your mastery of code and your understanding of programming:

Front end developer

  • Sublime Text
  • Github
  • Chrome Dev Tools
  • Codepen

Back end developer

  • Back4app
  • Jira
  • Heroku
  • Apache

Next, your know-how. Don't spread yourself too thin. Adapt your technical skills according to the client's request. The longer the list, the more you increase your chances of getting very big projects:

  • Mastery of programming concepts
  • Proficiency in programming languages ​​(PHP, SQL, Java, Python, etc.)
  • Mastery of CMS and Framework tools
  • Analysis and understanding of the project (respect of deadlines and budget)
  • Design of specifications
  • Proposal of corrective solutions
  • Software or website maintenance
  • Reporting production
  • Agile Methods
  • V-cycle model
  • Scrum

Finally, reassure your customers by developing qualities focused on human relations and project management:

  • Web and computer culture
  • Analytical and logical mind
  • Rigor
  • Organizational skills
  • Questioning
  • Patience
  • Listening skills
  • Empathy
  • Meaning of pedagogy
  • Adaptability
  • Appetite for high-tech

English proficiency is essential for a developer. By downloading one of our web resume templates, you can illustrate this hard skill with a flag and gain visibility. You can also indicate your TOEIC score.

Interests on a developer CV

This section is not essential. However, sharing your passions gives a more human dimension to your resume.

Use this section to enhance your application with icons or show your love of design. Embrace your geeky personality and your love of pop culture.

Go into details....

  • E-Sport : LoL, Fortnite, Rocket League...
  • Cinema : fantasy, horror, martial arts...
  • Games : Dungeons and Dragons, WarHammer....

Do you have any space left? Highlight your best customer reviews!

4 tips for a top web developer CV

junior web developer cv
  1. Hook : After discussing your area of ​​expertise in IT development, you need to detail the tools you have mastered. Show your knowledge of programming languages ​​and talk about your best project.
  2. Experience : You must detail the resources and skills used for each project. If you lack experience, focus on projects you participated in during training or your first experience in your internship field.
  3. Skills : This category must include three lists: software mastered, project management skills and human qualities essential for your customer relations and your autonomy.
  4. Interests : Give personality to your professional activity by indicating your passions of all kinds and integrate your best customer reviews.

By taking inspiration from one of our templates, you can give better visibility to the technical qualities of your profile. A beautiful CV and a long list of skills will be useful for prospecting your new clients.

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