cv agent de sécurité

You have just successfully completed your CQP APS training and it is time for you to write your first security agent CV ? You have carried out numerous interventions with large structures, day and night, but you do not know how to present your experiences well?

Creating a good security agent CV requires some layout skills to highlight your practice and skills. That's why we are here to support you in promoting your security operations.

In this article you will discover:

  • Examples of security agent CVs to download
  • How to Write a Professional Security Officer Resume
  • Our tips for writing a top-notch security agent CV

Discover our examples of security agent CVs to download

Here is a list of examples of security agent CVs (doc, pdf, ppt format) that illustrate all aspects of the security profession. Do you work on a construction site or in an airport? Are you responsible for the security of a private individual or the supervision of a festival? Here you will find the unique model that best matches your professional skills.

A well-constructed security agent (ads) CV

cv security agent ads

Your security guard skills are well showcased with this square layout.

This template is in line with the mindset expected for this position: attention to detail and application. The particular format of the photo is not a detail. It gives a first impression of your build. A long paragraph entitled “Profile” will emphasize your personal assets. The title block illustrates a level of security competence sufficient to be hired.

📥 Download this security agent CV (pdf, word, ppt)

A well-crafted receptionist CV

receptionist cv

This template is ideal for elegantly communicating your status as a security agent.

You are also much more visible. Everything is optimized so that the recruiter notices you from the first reading. Your main skills are concentrated in colored circles to give them more importance. We have added an additional paragraph to complete the practical side on which your future employer will be the most demanding. The content of this reception agent CV is ideal for demonstrating your aptitude, even with little experience.

📥 Download this reception agent CV (pdf, word, ppt)

A technical security CV for a prevention and security agent

cv security

Don't be afraid to be picky with this brand new model that showcases precise technical skills and professional experience.

It not only stands out for its design that combines sobriety and originality. It draws attention to the most important points of your career. Reserved for experienced profiles, this example is full of information on your intervention and prevention techniques. Your qualities are reinforced by the presence of a Reference section.

📥 Download this prevention and security agent CV (pdf, word, ppt)

A quality CV for a position as an airport security agent

security agent cv

Also valid for a train station, this template is perfect for updating your CV after successfully completing your security guard internship.

You will be able to integrate all the concepts you have acquired. Airport security agent is a profession with multiple skills. This example recommends at least 6. But you have room to indicate even more qualities. The entire section on the right is entirely dedicated to your practice in the field. Your experiences demonstrate your professionalism, both in surveillance and in communicating with a varied audience.

📥 Download this airport security agent CV (pdf, word, ppt)

A very clean security agent CV

example receptionist cv

With this CV, your competence as a security agent is not to be doubted. Everything is presented with the utmost seriousness.

Writing a security guard log, monitoring access, body searches… All these practices can be developed in each section. Recommendations will make the difference with another candidate, while interests will give more personality to the whole.

📥 Download this CV box (pdf, word, ppt)

A more modern version of your security agent CV

receptionist cv

The ability of a security agent to communicate their skills well is always appreciated by recruiters.

It would be a shame to lose your CV in the middle of the pile. For this, we offer you a fully customizable header that makes your profile photo stand out. Your skills stand out from the rest of the layout.

📥 Download this contemporary CV (pdf, word, ppt)

🚀 Are you still hesitating about choosing a CV template?

Find here our entire collection of CV templates for all professions to save you time or inspire you.

How to create an effective security agent resume?

security agent position

Essential in all areas, in the private or public sector, the security agent protects property and people by carrying out a whole series of checks, ranging from body searches to verifying the proper functioning of the infrastructure.

As in any profession, there are several skill levels and positions to fill that require certain specificities. Are you able to remain vigilant for hours and ward off any intrusion on a site? You must also pay close attention to the content of your CV.

You must be able to differentiate the functions of the security agent:

  • The airport or railway security agent is affiliated with airports or train stations. He ensures the safety of all travelers by carrying out very specific checks. There are many procedures to know in the event of detection of prohibited objects or suspicious behavior. They should appear on your CV. Emphasize in particular your increased vigilance and your mastery of specific devices such as the X-ray controller.
  • The fire safety officer is a true expert in fire prevention devices. The rounds are supplemented by equipment verification missions, emergency call handling and awareness sessions for staff. Therefore, you must be able to pass on your knowledge. Also list all emergency devices in the event of a fire.

Being a security guard also means having great physical strength and the ability to concentrate for seven to eight hours at a time, day and night. Now all that's left is to indicate all these skills in a well-formatted content.

💡 Good to know

Save long hours of work with one of our professional templates ready to fill in within minutes. Design CV, simple CV, original CV, modern CV, classic black and white CV… More than 300 CV templates to fill in are at your disposal to save you time. Creating a perfect CV has never been so easy!

An example of a hook sentence for a security agent CV

Your professional skills should be immediately identified on your CV. To do this, you can take important elements from your cover letter for a security guard.

If you have a specialization (dog handler, fire safety, etc.), show this information when you customize the professional title of the chosen template. Then emphasize your best experience, without forgetting the assets that make you a good security agent.

Feel free to take up our outline:

As a temporary security agent for 6 months, I regularly intervene at major events. In particular, I filtered the entrances to the famous Rock en Seine festival, with over 12,000 visitors passing through. I carried out the regulatory pat-downs, checked tickets and ensured that the concerts went smoothly at the front of the stage. With good physical endurance and great vigilance, I will ensure everyone's safety at a large-scale event.

Highlighting professional experience on a security agent CV

security agent quality

The tasks of the security guard are multiple, especially when he fulfills certain very specific functions.

Since your profession requires a certain amount of autonomy, the recruiter wants to make sure that you already know all the tasks that are your responsibility. Searching, checking entrance tickets or making rounds are only part of your work day. You also know:

  • Check security installations
  • Participate in the maintenance of surveillance equipment
  • Perform receptionist duties (Specify: physical and telephone reception, message taking, etc.)
  • Report your activity in writing

Depending on your professional title as a security agent, you perform additional tasks, which may be disqualifying if you forget to mention them in this section:

Fire Safety Officer

  • Raise the alarm and call for help
  • Conduct training sessions on fire safety
  • Prepare evacuation exercises
  • Maintain the equipment

Airport security agent

  • X-raying baggage
  • Passenger screening with magnetometer
  • Baggage or aircraft search

🛑 Pro tip

To stand out in this industry, don't hesitate to get into the details. For example, a dog handler regularly conducts training sessions with his dog. This information should appear in a bullet point list.

When you start out in the profession, all means are good to give importance to your experiences. One last piece of advice before moving on to our example: highlight the name of the company, especially if it is particularly busy. For a casino security agent CV, this gives:

Security Officer, SEVEN Casino (57)

Entry/exit of 750,000 visitors/year

  • Identity check at the entrance
  • Machine monitoring
  • Control of player behavior at Blackjack and Poker tables
  • Video system control and maintenance
  • Highlight: Safely restraining a madman on the ground while awaiting police intervention

Essential training for a security agent

A security guard is not trained only in the field. In this section, indicate at least obtaining a:

  • CAP security agent
  • Professional baccalaureate in security prevention

If you choose to work in private security, you can display your CQP APS right from the header. For the position of fire safety agent, the score obtained in the competition may lean in your favor.

The skills and human qualities of a security agent

security agent skills

During your career, you will be required to face many dangerous situations. In order not to jeopardize your safety and that of others, you must equip yourself with solid knowledge in:

  • Security control techniques
  • Reporting Procedures
  • Use of video surveillance devices and alarms
  • Hazardous object detection materials
  • Techniques for defending and controlling an individual

🛑 Pro tip

Some candidates forget this, but mastering first aid can help you during an intervention. It would be wise to indicate this in this section.

After listing all the protocols you know and that are related to your experiences, you must indicate the qualities that make you a good agent. Among the essentials, there are:

  • Reactivity
  • Great vigilance
  • Excellent ability to concentrate
  • High physical resistance
  • Endurance
  • Sense of observation
  • Visual and auditory attention
  • Physical strength
  • Pressure resistant
  • Diplomacy
  • Conflict management
  • Sense of communication

Interests on a security agent CV

Your hobbies will help you stand out from other candidates. Emphasize passions that contribute to your skills as a security guard:

  • Combat sport, self-defense
  • Bodybuilding
  • DIY (for small maintenance operations)

Otherwise, if you are just starting out, any other information will help you fill a gap in experience such as:

  • Your level of English
  • Your computer skills
  • Additional training (SST, SSIAP 1, etc.)

4 tips for a good security agent CV

security agent report
  1. Catchphrase: Your professional title should indicate, as much as possible, the specialization of your security guard certification. The catchphrase should include significant professional experience. Give details on the progress of your intervention and emphasize your vigilance and physical endurance.
  2. Professional experience: Highlight secondary tasks, such as maintaining security devices or writing intervention reports. Give importance to your experiences by playing on the attendance rate of an establishment or its name.
  3. Skills: Indicate all control procedures and intervention methods to prove your competence in properly securing the place and the people there. Physical resistance and a sense of attention are among the essential qualities. Highlight your knowledge of first aid gestures.
  4. Interests: Practicing a combat sport, bodybuilding or any other activity that contributes to maintaining your skills as a security guard is beneficial for this section.

As you will have understood, your experiences play a determining role in your job. Be as explicit as possible about all your interventions. By adding the skills and qualities expected, there is no reason why you should not be entrusted with the mission for which you are applying.

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