cv manager

Do you have experience in team management and would you like to highlight it on your manager CV ? Do you have management skills, but you don't know how to highlight them?

We offer to boost your manager CV thanks to our pre-filled models and advice to highlight your leadership and your sense of commitment.

In this article you will discover:

  • Examples of manager CVs to download
  • How to write a professional manager resume
  • Our tips for writing a top-notch manager CV

Discover our examples of manager CVs to download

Under the guidance of recruitment professionals, we have created several examples of CVs by skills to download (doc., pdf., ppt. format). The different sections offer a content structure to personalize to inspire you. Choose the design that suits you and make a difference with other candidates.

A highly qualified manager CV

example cv manager

This example of a multi-skilled CV highlights your practice in management with many details. Compared to a free manager CV, this model stands out with its header.

We added a bit of color to draw attention to your professional qualification. The layout illustrates your sense of organization. The promotion of your technical and human qualities in columns adds clarity to your application. The certifications demonstrate your updating of management techniques. This can make all the difference with another operational manager CV.

📥 Download this manager CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

A very attractive sales manager CV

example cv sales manager

This sales manager resume example shows you what qualities to put in a resume. The photo format fits perfectly at the intersection of the two columns. The gray and black show your serious personality.

All sections are organized so that you can write dense content without making double pages. Organizational and managerial skills on this type of CV are the most important. The loading bar highlights your level. We have added a Languages ​​section. This skill on a sales manager CV is essential.

📥 Download this sales manager CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

A Manager CV for all profiles

manager resume

With this skills-based resume example, you can organize your know-how to draw attention to your mastery of managerial techniques.

The Profile section gives way to the most important information on your cover letter. Even with just one professional experience, bullet points provide many details about your practice and bulk up your application. We have added small flags in the Language section for more originality. This example of a CV for a company of all kinds corresponds to both a junior and senior manager profile.

📥 Download this responsible CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

An IT manager CV with multiple skills

cv it manager

This example of a multi-skilled IT manager resume impresses at first glance. The header design is not lacking in originality. It represents your level of expertise in IT.

The photo is included in a column dedicated to a complete presentation of your profile. At the same time, professional experiences provide precision to your application. They are accompanied by paragraphs indicating what information to include. Training is just as valued.

In a French IT manager CV, diplomas are as important as technical qualities. With so much precision given to skills, this model is to be used for an important position.

📥 Download this IT Manager CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

A Director CV for a senior executive profile

cv management

We believe that the appearance of the profile for a Director CV should remain sober. This is why we have removed all the superfluous to leave room for professional experiences.

The photo format and the name box are a touch of originality to stand out from the crowd. Then, make way for dense but well-organized content. We know that the position of Director is difficult to access. Thus, we have chosen categories that allow you to highlight all of your technical and theoretical know-how. This senior CV is suitable for a Director position in all types of private or public establishments.

📥 Download this Director CV (Pdf, word, ppt)

🚀 Are you still hesitating in choosing the model?

Find here our entire collection of CVs adapted to management jobs to save you time or inspire you.

How to write a professional manager CV?

manager cv template

All the qualities to put on a manager's CV must be put at the forefront. A recruiter expects a manager to master both the technical aspect of his job (management tools and methods) and the relational aspect.

Technical skills and human qualities are not dissociable. If there are enough of them, they can compensate for a lack of experience. By detailing your involvement in a company's project, you can distinguish yourself, even in a junior management role.

Your entire application should be consistent with your industry. The skills and details provided about your profession illustrate a specific area of ​​management expertise:

  • Risk manager (finance)
  • Marketing Manager
  • IT Manager (information system)

Details are also expected depending on your level of qualification:

  • The director has a decision-making role. He defines the company's policy and plans the actions to be implemented. The success of his objectives depends on how he distributes tasks to his management team. A strong leadership character and a great sense of organization are required.
  • The manager focuses his activity on a very specific department of the company. His great human qualities allow him to manage the organization of a team. His missions are mainly focused on the implementation of the plans developed by the director. Solid management skills are essential.

You also need to know how to organize your ideas well. Are you still hesitant about writing your manager application? Here are some tips to inspire you.


💡 Good to know

Save yourself hours of work with a professional resume template that’s ready to fill out in minutes. Check out our senior consultant resume examples to save you time.

An example of a catchy sentence for a manager's CV

Since one of the skills expected of a manager is the ability to summarize, the catchy sentence is an excellent way to prove it.

Before writing your introductory paragraph, start by taking care of the header. It's not just the photo that's essential. Your job title is a good way to know where you stand in the company. "Manager" or "Director" is therefore not enough. In addition to the title (Risk manager, Operations Director, product manager, etc.), you can add the name of the department (sales, finance, etc.) or the full title.

Then develop your paragraph by integrating this key information:

  • Role played in the company
  • Number of employees managed
  • Strategy implemented
  • Result

Not forgetting the essential soft skills. Here is an example:

As a call center floor manager, I supervised, motivated, and led a team of 12 call center agents to achieve the daily objective set by the center. Creative and caring, I set up a competition system in the form of a game with rewards at stake. Since this action, the daily result has been estimated at between 110 and 130%.

Highlighting your professional experiences as a manager

operational manager cv

Supervising and supporting a team towards achieving an objective is at the heart of the manager's role.

Several other missions are grafted around this activity. They illustrate the methods and strategies put in place to manage the activity of the team(s). They will be more or less numerous depending on the degree of responsibility of your function.

For a Director:

  • Implementation of strategic management
  • Management of the administrative, financial and commercial division
  • Supervision of the Human Resources department
  • Implementation of communication actions
  • Implementation of strategic axes for the company's development
  • Analysis of the structure's activity
  • Staff recruitment

For a manager:

  • Organization of team activity
  • Driving team dynamics
  • Development of employee skills
  • Activity reporting
  • Networking external and internal partners
  • Participation in business optimization projects

🛑 Pro tip

Orient your missions according to the specificity of your function. In addition to his main activity, a local manager will have different functions from a cross-functional manager.

The manager does not only carry out the requests of management. He also plays a supporting role. We recommend that you make this role clear. Here is an example:

Local manager, TESSI (57)

  • Supervision of 12 telephone advisors
  • Setting up individual interviews for the development of each employee's skills
  • Developing a strategy to increase productivity
  • Personalized support for difficulties encountered by employees
  • Daily activity reporting
  • Result: Average of 115%/day

You can also specify the tools and methods used for each function. Let's move on to the studies now.

Essential training for a manager

To convince, you cannot miss this section. You will need to display your highest degree without forgetting to specify the title of your BAC +3:

  • Management
  • General management
  • Pro management of organizations
  • Economics and management of organizations

A master's degree in business school or in management of commercial organizations will be appreciated.

🛑 Pro tip

Depending on your area of ​​expertise, don't forget to specify your certifications in DMM training (for leadership), Comundi (for management through trust) or CCM Benchmark (for E-business).

Qualities and skills on a manager's CV

cv manager skills

What qualities should you put on a manager's CV? You may have already asked yourself this question. It must be said that there are many qualities expected for a manager position.

Here are 5 essential qualities that must be highlighted:

  • Team motivation
  • Conflict management
  • Availability
  • Stress management
  • Pedagogy

A manager or department director has strong team management skills. To do this, he relies on tools and methods that should also be listed:


  • SMART Method
  • DISC Tool
  • Active listening


  • MASLOW's Pyramid
  • Method of 5, 10, 15, 30


  • Deming wheel
  • Eisenhower Matrix
  • Sharing Calendar
  • Agile

Don't forget to assess your technical and theoretical knowledge using our CV templates:

  • Mastery of all forms of communication
  • Mastery of conflict management techniques
  • Knowledge of finance
  • Mastery of collaborative tools and planning software
  • Mastery of spelling and grammar

Don't hesitate to develop your soft skills, even if it takes two columns:

  • Leadership
  • Listening skills
  • Stress resistance
  • Organizational skills
  • Sense of analysis and synthesis
  • Optimism
  • Honesty
  • Meaning of delegation
  • Acknowledgement
  • Sense of justice

Now let's move on to the very last category...

Interests on a manager CV

On a resume, interests are synonymous with personality.

Through your interests, the recruiter can target character traits that may match with the manager's job. Integrating this section into your CV is highly recommended.

Soft skills can be hidden behind every hobby:

  • Sense of analysis: chess, cooking, musical practice
  • Leadership: Team captain in all sports
  • Sense of synthesis: theatrical improvisation, writing

If you think your activities are not relevant enough to be displayed at the end of your CV, you can use this space to include recommendations from your former employers.

Tips for creating a top-notch manager CV

application manager
  1. Hook: assert your area of ​​expertise in the header before highlighting the position that will have mobilized the most skills. Demonstrate motivation, corporate culture and be proactive.
  2. Experience: List all responsibilities for each position. Highlight the number of employees you have managed, without forgetting to indicate your results.
  3. Skills: highlight the most essential managerial skills. List all the team management tools and methods used without forgetting human qualities focused on teaching and listening.
  4. Interests: Target your interests to activities that highlight your team management or analytical skills. You can also place recommendations from your former employers at the end of your resume.

Don't forget to choose the CV template that suits you best. Asserting your originality and highlighting your skills will optimize your chances of success.

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