défaut entretien

The job interview is full of surprising and unexpected questions, and sometimes very classic ones. And the famous question “ Give me 3 qualities and 3 faults that characterize you ” remains among the most common.

To find your quality/flaw in an interview , follow our preparation tips. We have put together some concrete examples with a list of qualities , a list of faults as well as some response formulas. You can use them to inspire you as soon as the recruiter asks the question.

Defect and quality: how to answer this question?

This question may seem totally ridiculous in a recruitment interview because today it is expected by many candidates. But it remains a question of quality .

Because that's the whole difficulty: not to seem to give an over-done, over-prepared or over-ambitious answer. The question can also be asked today in other versions.

For example: What would your friends say about you? What are the things your manager might criticize you for in your work? What do you think are the qualities expected for the position? Do you think you have them?

The stock answer of “I’m a perfectionist” to talk about your flaws doesn’t work. To answer the question without mincing words, approach the answer by rephrasing it instead.

Example: “3 qualities and 3 faults… mmmh. If you want, I’ll tell you what my friends and colleagues say about me: …”. This will immediately give a more authentic, honest and realistic twist to your answer thanks to the context of work or daily life.

How to find the right quality/defect that suits you?

To find a “good” flaw, keep in mind that the recruiter is not there to give you bad points . He just wants to analyze your ability to discern and if certain traits of your personality could really be lacking for the position.

For example, avoid saying that you are disorganized for a position that requires managing projects, a schedule or a budget. On the other hand, you can assume the fact of having a thousand ideas per day to evoke a lack of structure. Because in return this values ​​your creativity.

To find a quality , highlight what will make it easier to do your job on a daily basis. Not necessarily what directly relates to the job description. For example, if you need to unite a team, saying that you like meeting new people is a good point. This demonstrates your potential to integrate, team spirit and to open up easily to people you don't know in your department.

After these first tips, here without further ado are the qualities and defects most sought after by recruiters and human resources managers . Beyond the job interview, you can also integrate them into your cover letters to enhance your CV.

Qualities (list)

Human qualities are among the qualities most sought after by recruiters in a job interview. Here is our list of interview qualities to enhance your profile:

  • Team spirit : you know how to collaborate, share successes and overcome failures with others, even in a very heterogeneous group.
  • Curious : you want to discover new skills, new projects and you are proactive when information escapes you.
  • Meticulous : You leave nothing to chance. You don't finish your work until it is perfect for the one who will benefit from it.
  • Patient : you know how to manage your emotions and wait for the right moment to act with discernment.
  • Dynamic / Energetic : things move forward with you, you don't let any inertia hang over your work and your energy is contagious.
  • Serious / Thoughtful : you are someone reliable, you don't talk for the sake of it, you analyze information calmly. You then act with more dignity, avoiding any haste.
  • Ambitious / Motivated : You are not satisfied with current results, you want to surpass them. You are very invested in your work and see further.
  • Pugnacious / Stubborn : Obstacles and competition motivate you. You draw your energy from that.
  • Friendly / Smiling : you project a pleasant environment to those around you, people like working with you and they like you back.
  • Sociable : You are outgoing. It is easy for you to interact with different professions in the company to bring them together around a common goal.
  • Neat / Conscientious : The devil is in the details, and you are keen to avoid any unpleasant surprises. You like a job well done.
  • Autonomous : you are not alone. On the contrary, you know how to take the lead while communicating your progress.
  • Rigorous / Organized : you structure subjects and you know how to plan projects according to priorities to make yourself efficient.
  • Optimistic/Enthusiastic : You are positive in adversity. You do not close yourself to any opportunity until it has already been tested.
  • Volunteer : You are always ready to help, learn and take part in new projects.
  • Responsible/Confident : Know how to make decisions, even some that make people unhappy. Be little influenced by others.
  • Straightforward / Frank / Honest : You are transparent, you leave no room for doubt. Your colleagues and clients trust you and appreciate you on a professional and personal level.
  • Critical thinking : you question preconceived ideas and do not follow common thinking by default. We appreciate your “fresh” perspective that inspires new opportunities.

💡 Good to know

Use the qualities that best suit you to position them in your resume. If you are not totally convinced by yours, download our professional resume templates ready to fill in in a few minutes. They are at your disposal to save you time, or for inspiration.

Defects (list)

The question of flaws is not simple because it is about finding a credible flaw . Even when it actually applies to you. Here is our list of interview flaws :

  • Shy/reserved : you don't talk much but you are all the more efficient. And you bond with more sincerity.
  • Impatient : You are sometimes frustrated by internal slowness. But this hides an energy that is unfailing as soon as you have the opportunity to accelerate.
  • Authoritarian : Having responsibilities leads to making decisions that don't please everyone. Remaining firm also helps ensure that these decisions are respected.
  • Touchy : The slightest criticism can hurt you, but you don't hold grudges and this allows you to improve.
  • Nervous, anxious : you are naturally stressed. This also helps you to organize yourself better to avoid the unexpected.
  • Slow : Slowness often means work is done perfectly.
  • Stubborn : You have a strong head but nothing discourages you from overcoming obstacles.
  • Chatty : It's true that sometimes you could refrain. But you've never been made to feel that way in a bad way, because you bring a good atmosphere.
  • Suspicious : You always prioritize your personal opinion but remain open to the opinions of others.
  • Passive : You are docile and rely on your superior to give you vision and framework.
  • Formalist : you stick to the established framework, to standards. This also allows you to avoid deviations in a company that sticks to procedures.
  • Impulsive : You sometimes make decisions hastily, but you still get things done. Failing fast to bounce back quickly works better than succeeding very slowly.
  • Acerbic : your sometimes aggressive judgments also allow you to burst abscesses and open minds to new opportunities.
  • Emotional : It also makes you more sensitive, empathetic and creative.
  • Capricious : you want to have it all, this also makes you ambitious.
  • Carefree : You don't let problems or obstacles slow you down.
  • Influenceable : You keep a very open mind to the points of view of others, this does not prevent you from remaining yourself.
  • Lack of confidence : You remain humble about your accomplishments. You don't take credit for yourself alone.
  • Complaining : You complain about late suppliers on a daily basis. This is your way of relieving stress and staying positive with your colleagues.

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